Monday, August 08, 2005

What's Going On?

I was having such a good day. I was very productive! I did lots of organising (which is a HUGE weak point of mine by the way) and lots of study, and I got out and did some exercise. I was feeling very good about myself. Then something happened, that was almost entirely outside of my control, and now I'm left feeling stressed and unhappy and helpless. How do things turn around so quickly? I'm just going to go upstiars and crawl under the covers and go to sleep now.


  1. Anonymous said...
    thats to bad sorry i hope you feel better
    Dboy said...
    Wow... but what happened?
    Ludicrousity said...
    It doesn't matter. It's mostly ok now, but it just wasn't ok last night.
    Brie said...
    sleep is good
    Brie said...
    glad you feel better
    HoneyBee said...
    HoneyBee said...
    Oh I hope it all turns good again! i like sleep :)
    SMILE it makes people wonder what you've been up to!
    Ludicrousity said...
    I like sleeping. I would like to do some more sleeping right now... too much work to do though, sleep is a secondary thing at the moment. :(
    iggi said...
    Sleep is an optional extra in life
    Ludicrousity said...
    It shouldn't be!
    Dboy said...
    I'm glad it's ok now. A bit of a vent online and a cuddled-in-bed sulking-sleep do wonders for one's view of the world.

    I hope that whatever it is that made you feel nasty either shrivels up and dies or goes to some distant 'over yonder'.
    Anonymous said...
    Shrivelling??? I am not!

    *doesn't shrivel. ever*
    Ludicrousity said...
    It was no big deal. Someone was just in a really bad mood and took it out on me. I'm over it, it just made me feel really crap at the time.
    Anonymous said...
    That'd be me. I'm sorry, just stuff from over a long time had boiled up and I hadn't had the best day. It's kinda wierd that I snapped then for the reason I did. Guess it goes to show how fragile people can be. I didn't know it affected you so badly.

    Really sorry sis. :(
    Ludicrousity said...
    That's ok Luke, but you didn't have to tell everyone it was you. But I appreciate the apology anyway! :)
    Anonymous said...
    wow, that's a good brother right there... can i borrow him for a bit?

    *tugs on film guru's arm*
    Anonymous said...
    i heard that eating 'snappy tom' can make you get cranky at people, so i stopped eating it a few days ago.

    and then my mum said: "So why are you eating it right now if you just typed that you stopped days ago?"

    and I was like: "Shutup Mum! People can see that I'm eating cat food!"

    and she was like: "But they'll know because you're typing exactly what I just said!"

    and I am like "Blaer! You're so, like, whatever and get-over-it!"

    and she is going: "NAHNAHANAHANAHAAAAA!!!"

    and so I stopped writing this post.

    *stops writing this post.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Well now you certainly can't borrow my brother. he might return to me a cat food eater. On second thoughts, this may be highly amusing...

    Where are you from castro?

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