Tuesday, August 16, 2005


What is up with human emotions? They are wonderful, but at times higly annoying. I hate when they don't reflect anything of reality. I feel like hiding myself away and just having a break from people for no apparent reason. I was sitting in class this afternoon thinking "all I want to do is go home". It's partially because I just haven't had enough sleep, but I have no idea why I get like this some times. Urrrgh! Annoyingness! I just need to chill out I think. I have no idea why I'm feeling stressed out.


  1. Ludicrousity said...
    Really helpful...
    Brie said...
    strange... anyways, I hope you get over your case of annoyingness...
    Ludicrousity said...
    She means YOU captain.
    Ludicrousity said...
    I gave my dog a big cuddle last night. She's so cute! I feel much better today!
    Dboy said...
    I have the dog which is getting rid of a cuddle, then all of his tennis just melts away...
    Ludicrousity said...
    It's a story of old...
    Dboy said...
    Stressing my boots.
    Dboy said...
    And down we go...

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