Tuesday, August 09, 2005

More Organisation!

So I'm getting even more organised now. GO ME! It's such a good feeling being organised, and I don't experience that too often. I got a memory stick today, courtesy of my dad. THANKS DAD! So helpful! It's a 256MB one. And I got a big yearly planner for my wall so I can plan things out better and try to be better organised. I'm very excited about this whole getting organised thing. I'm borrowing dad's laptop for the night coz I need to get some work done. I really need to get my own lap top, coz dad needs his at work, and Luke (my brother) works from home and needs our home computer a lot. The problem with this is that I can't afford to get a lap top. I kinda need $1400 to get one, and yeah, I have no money. I'm paying off bible college fees and trying to have money to live. I'm not sure what I can do about this. *sigh* Just having a whinge...


  1. Anonymous said...
    last i heard, $1AU = $0.76US (from memory)
    Anonymous said...
    I know what you mean about organization, never organized enough
    Litha said...
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    Litha said...
    What you need Megan, is some kind of get-rich-quick scheme. Maybe should try pyramid schemes? They never fail!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Oh yeah, awesome idea. I'll look into that.
    Dboy said...
    Hehehe... Bruce wouldn't know the first thing about homage.
    Anonymous said...
    I went away, but now I've come back from going away again.

    *goes away and comes back again*
    Anonymous said...
    *sits down*

    I'm here to stay, and sit down.

    You should go poledancing for money. I hear it pays good. In fact, I know it pays good. But I haven't done it. Promise. Not this time anyway.

    *goes away to not do poledancing*
    Anonymous said...
    phew! that was tough, nt doing poledancing and all.

    *buys an icecream, with a laptop wedged in as a flake*
    Anonymous said...
    Mmmmm, crunchy.

    Anonymous said...
    I prefer the old SD RAM rather than this newfangled DDr stuff. Tastes better. More authentic maybe.

    *Slurps some plasma from the screen*

    Plasma? Is it really?
    Ludicrousity said...
    Yeah, that was my brothers blog thing I linked to.

    As fun as it is that everyone is posting, it'd be cool if people didn't post heaps in a row. It gets a bit much.
    Anonymous said...
    Я продаю малые компьютеры нагрузкой тележки, всей тележкой которая имеет права малого компьютера

    I sell small computers by the load of cart, by entire cart which has the rights of the small computer
    Brie said...
    Anonymous said...
    Hey kitty! I'm a writer and currently working at home. And that link is to my art gallery. Check out the pics!
    Anonymous said...
    yeah Kitty Litter! don't post more than lots in a row! or something!

    *decides to calm down, at least a little bit*
    Anonymous said...
    can i post just two in a row? i've seen other people do that...

    *puppy dog eyes*
    Ludicrousity said...
    I might forgive you for that... :)

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