Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I have a new lot of links down the side of my blog by the way. They are just sites I like, and thought people might wanna check out.

College is going well so far. I'm loving it! But it's a LOT of hard work! I've only done 3 out of 5 subjects so far and I have a heap of reading to do and 2 assignments due in next week. Grwk! I can invent words right? Excellent...

I'm highly excited about the student lounge having 2 piano's in it! I hope I don't spend all my time playing and no time studying...


  1. Anonymous said...
    Uh, your site is scary now Tink
    I shan't be back till your next post
    Anonymous said...
    Actually I want to ask, when I log onto your site, Tell me if you guys can see this as well

    "SUB-MAR-INE! Burning in Hell! Gather me eyes!"

    It appears for half a second and then the page loads

    Ludicrousity said...
    Yeah! I did that! I change the message every now and then. Just thought it'd be funny!

    I'm staudying a bachelor of arts (christian ministy) at kingsley college here in Melbourne. Loving it! I'm only in my first week so I guess I don't have heaps to tell you about what it is. But I'm doing 5 subjects:

    Bibilical Survey
    Intro to Hermeneutics
    Church History Survey
    Christian Living Seminar
    Intro to Psychology & Councilling

    I'm loving it so far. Sooooo much interesting stuff to take in and figure out.
    Dboy said...
    Hahaha... that was a quote thing that Luke Orrin was singing when we had a Risk night a little while ago... said it was from some weirdly translated Japanese thing. Made me larf. You should hear him sing it.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Oh believe me, I have! Quite a lot of times! He sings it all the time. Hilarious song though!
    Anonymous said...
    Do you still do human sacrifices?
    Anonymous said...
    Hi, thought I'd join this thread too.

    *hacks off America's arm*

    We do now!
    Bizzle said...
    Tell me how this stuff you're learning compares to c4.

    And no, I'm not talking about explosives, in case there's a national security person thinking they'd better check me out...

    Certificate 4 in Youth and Community Work (Christian), a course which both megski and I have completed.
    Ludicrousity said...
    So much to reply to! I'll do it in a real blog entry!
    Ludicrousity said...
    There is no way you are for real captain. Who are you really? Or are you who you say you are, just trying to stir us up?
    Anonymous said...
    Um, that didn't make a whole lotta sense, as for the purpose and relevance factor.

    *unflushes captain's anus*
    Anonymous said...
    however, he certainly does need a few changes to his theories of Australians...

    *opens captain@merica's brain up, and has a poke around*
    Anonymous said...

    *black stuff starts coming out everywhere*
    Anonymous said...
    look what i found!

    *holds up some teeth and a tuba mouthpiece triumphantly*
    Anonymous said...
    maybe you'll be thinking a lot better now, buster

    that's what you yanks say, Isn't it? Buster!

    *busts a move*
    Anonymous said...
    *busts another move*
    Anonymous said...
    *busts a GROOOOOVE*
    Ludicrousity said...
    Don't blame it on the sunshine!
    Don't blame it on the moonlight!
    Don't blame it on the good times!
    Blame it on the boogie!

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