Friday, August 05, 2005


By the way, just thought I'd clear this up for some people. I am mostly known on the net as Tink, and to some people in real life, so that's why people call me Tink from time to time. But the name Tink was taken on blogs, so I had to go with this other crazy name I made up. LONG LIVE TINK! And Ludicrousity...


  1. Ludicrousity said...
    Ludicrousity said...
    That's right. I went to a fancy dress party as Tinkerbell once. I have the wings and everything still. It was very fun!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Can't you see in the photo? I have light brown hair. Although it's a bit darker than my natural colour at the moment. It's a long story...

    And no offense, but I'm not going to tell people where in Melbourne I live. I don't like telling strangers on the interenet where I live.
    Anonymous said...
    tink like that spanish story of the little girl of oh you should read it
    Anonymous said...
    hey thats cool tink as in a cow its called that what about you do you like fishing do you smoke hey do you dance and smoke i dont do you know what it does to you
    Anonymous said... that post in english?
    Phil said...
    Hi "Tink" I just read your profile. I had to comment on your favorite author. Douglas Adams is one of the three best writers of all time. And by the way, there are a boatload of bloggers from Australia. Is that all you people do during the winter? Was there some kind of blog sale going on down there?
    Bizzle said...
    Co^^pu+3rsr^^y life and the kid demonstrate the importance of PUNCTUATION.
    Anonymous said...
    I absolutely agree, Bizzle! On another forum I'm in, I'm known as the Spelling Nazi. I pull people up on punctuation as well, though. :-)
    Ludicrousity said...
    Orby the spellign nazi! We love him over there! You may feel free to have the same title of spelling nazi here. I hereby pronounce you 'offical spelling/grammer nazi'! Yeah!

    Go Douglas Adams! Nice to have you aroudn phil. I've had so many random bloggers find my blog lately it's insane!
    Anonymous said...
    What do you have to do that we don't?

    And I don't have a blog.
    Anonymous said...
    I'm Australian. And believe it or not, we have cars over here. I'm 23, and I've been driving since 1998. As for travelling, Australia is over 4000km (2500 miles) across, so there's plenty of travelling that can be done.

    And the reason we don't talk about hunting our food is because we buy it at the supermarket. Not particularly interesting blog material. :P

    The other forum I was talking about is one that Megan (aka Ludicrousity aka Tink), me and a few friends are in.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Captain, the stirring thing is getting old. We're all aware you don't actually believe the stuff you're writing. It's getting boring.
    Anonymous said...
    yeah she is grrrrrr
    Ludicrousity said...
    Trolling eh? I get the concept, but can't say I've ever heard of that word. Yeah, I'm not sure how to ban people from my blog yet, I'll look into that.

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