Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Luke Update

Well Luke had his operation this afternoon. I went and saw him tonight and he's doing really really well! As well as can be expected anyway. The operation went perfectly! Thank God! He's in pain obviously, but he says it's bearable which is awesome. Mentally he's doing really well. He's positive and was bagging me out tonight, so he's still Luke! He can't move yet, but he should be out of bed in 3 or 4 days. Apparently the quicker they get him moving the faster he'll heal, and it prevents further complications. He has lots of tubes and things connected to him at the moment because he can't move. It doesn't look fun.

If you want to visit him I'm sure he'd absolutely love it! Visiting hours are between 2pm - 8pm daily. If you want to know where he is, just email me or call me or sms me or something and I'll let you know.

When I walked in there tonight I had tears well up in my eyes and I had to stop myself from crying. He looked so helpless and so broken. That's my little brother there. I love him and it was hard to see him suffering like that. But once I got talking to him I felt so much better, knowing that he's got such a positive outlook on this whole thing. It's hard to see him like this and know that there is nothing I can do. Well I can be there for him and I know he appreciates that.

Keep praying for him guys. It's a long journey that's only just begun! Here are some photos that I took at the hospital tonight. If you're wondering what that strange green thing he's holding is, it's a spikey, squishy, green, glow in the dark ball thing I bought when I went shopping with Naomi yesterday. Thought it'd be fun. He is always fiddling with stuff, and he loved it!!!

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  1. Anonymous said...
    :( he looks so crook :( I love u luke and i'm coming to see u... seeing u like that makes me miss u heaps buddy!
    Ludicrousity said...
    You should come in with me to visit him some time with week Nomes. He'll really appreciate that. He couldn't really open his eyes, but he was thinking ok.
    Anonymous said...
    YAY luke is going to be ok *hugs*
    love the green ball, we will see you cracking us with your jokes and walk about in no time ^_____^
    Anonymous said...
    Hmmm, the green-thingectomy obviously didn't work so well.
    Ludicrousity said...
    It was a long and delicate operation, but so far unsucessful. The green thing remains.
    Lindsey said...
    Oh...I'm glad he's doing well. It's terrible that he's having to go through this. I'm sending him happy thoughts...I wonder how long they take to travel to Australia...hmmmm.
    Ludicrousity said...
    He is in pain, lots of pain, but he's on heaps of morphine, so he can cope with it. He can't really talk coz of all the drugs he's on, it just slows him down. And he can't really open his eyes once again because of all the drugs, they make him so tired. I think it was just really bad yesterday because he's jus thad the operation and still had some of the general anasthetic drugs in his system.
    Anonymous said...
    *Cries* LUKE!!! NOOOO! I hate u being like this.. so going to see him on like friday
    he told me not to come in the first few days but screw him.. i so am. And i'm drawing heaps of pictures for him... i hope he likes odd pictures... And when i get my puppy i'll smuggle it in to see u ...
    Ludicrousity said...
    He'll love it. Maybe on Friday we could have lunch together, then go see Luke. Mmmm... nandos...
    Ludicrousity said...
    It was some kind of gross fluid, on his pillow, not sure what. Next update in the next entry.
    Dboy said...
    Gross fluid tastes gross, hence the name.

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