Saturday, August 13, 2005


Ok, so there seems to be a demand for my wonderful brother, therefore I have decided to start hiring him out to people. At this stage the going rate is $200 a day. He will be performing all the usual brother type things. Giving and receiving psychological torment, acting as a scapegoat, performing menial tasks such as changing the channel on the tv, getting drinks and retreiving miscellaneous items. He is a wonderful brother indeed, and other people seemed to have recognised this, so I saw an opportunity for exploitation! Hey, I said he was wonderful, not me. Do I have any takers? Oh, and his name is Luke and he is 20 in case this makes a difference.

EDIT: Here is the man on offer!

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  1. Anonymous said...
    hahaha you can have my brother hahaha he is 10 he is horrible! ill pay you to take him!
    Anonymous said...
    I'll pay $50!
    Zebe said...
    hm... sounds fun... (insert evil grin here)
    Ludicrousity said...
    Welcome back peebody!!! Nice to have you back!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Luke, it doesn't seem that many people are keen to hire you out!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Just brother type things. No corrupting or defiling my little brother is allowed!
    *shakes finger accusingly at everyone*
    Ludicrousity said...
    Hey! That's my little brother! Behave boy!
    Anonymous said...
    Well, there goes any chances of me finding a girl for the next 20 or so years. :P
    Anonymous said...
    Oh no, I posed to look like a creepy guy diliberately, it's more one of those "hmmm, maybe that wasn't such a good idea" things...
    Litha said...
    $200? Bargin!
    Anonymous said...
    Европейский суд гуманитарных прав засудил французское правительство для не суметь ввести законодательство расклассифицировало бы невольничество и сервитут по мере того как уголовные обиды под своим штрафным Кодим после его управляли что женщина держалась в отечественном сервитуте 2 семьями в Франции на больше чем 4 лет на 26 -го июля. Siwa-Akofa Siliadin было торговано к paris от Того в 1994 когда она была 15 лет старых женщиной сказала что она даст ей образование и обеспечит ее с разрешением места жительства. Вместо, конфискуемое Siliadin принудили женщиной, котор, котор нужно работать как отечественное и ее пасспорту. Siliadin должно работать up to 15 часов день, 7 дней неделя, редк было позволено из дома, отказано время и не дано деньг...
    Anonymous said...
    wow, bendy finger... WIERD!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Ok, I'm over the Russian now!

    HAHA! My creepy brother. He sure is my brother. My little creepy brother in his sleezy feral poses! HAHA!

    And Litha!!! You're Lisa!!! I've figured you out!!!!! Try to hide from me woman... I'll get you good and proper!

    Haha peebody! No eyes! I don't have eyes in photos either so I have to pull strange faces like in this photo so you can see my eyes!
    Ludicrousity said...
    As enticing as that sounds chicken, I'm not sure I'm going to sell myself over the internet. I haven't sunk quite that low just yet...
    Dboy said...
    Ludicrousity said...
    You chase solo!
    Sea-man in my heart tonight!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Uh sure... why not...
    Dboy said...
    Hehehe... We drink Retalin!

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