Monday, August 22, 2005

Power To The People!

Ok, so Ingi & I are in the final stages of name development for our acoustic duo! Wow, didn't I make that sounds fancy? Ok, so we're just stuck on a name for our band. We have two options that we both like, and we thought we'd put it to you guys to see which name works best. We like:
1. No Image
2. Synergy

Now having a definition for synergy makes it sound extra awesome! So here is the definition if that influences your choice:
The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.

So let us know. I'd create a poll for it, but I don't know how to, so just tell me and I'll tally the results.


  1. Ludicrousity said...
    That doesn't help! We need to pick one!
    Anonymous said...
    i'll be decisive for once! i prefer synergy
    Anonymous said...
    Synergy, hmmmm, so long as they don't think you are a power company! Google it, it's become quite a common designation, I hope you don't end up competing for recognition.

    Sinner? Gee!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Hmmm.... I just goggled it, you're right revhead. It seems it's a rather common name for a company of sorts.
    Dboy said...
    Hmmm, things aren't that easy to see through goggles, unless you're underwater in which case it's easier to see, so I would suggest that unless you are underwater you take your goggles off before making any rash decisions.

    Stuff the companies. Synergy is awesome.
    Brie said...
    synergy! it sounds cool...
    Anonymous said...
    I really prefer "Goat Monkey" but I guess I'll go with whichever one gets the most votes.
    Litha said...
    I like Synergy too Meags
    Anonymous said...

    (Just wanted to add an: "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm")
    Anonymous said...
    "Goat Monkey" I love it!!

    "And now...... live ALL the way from Rosanna....."Goat Monkey" with their new number one sizzler: "Ain't got no fleas, cha cha"


    " Counting down the hits, at number three with their new ring-tone... "Goat Monkey" and "Grazin' in the tree tops"
    HoneyBee said...
    Im going with Synergy but go the goat monkeys!
    Mine arn't a bit goaty what should i feed em to make em goatier?
    Anonymous said...
    What about Ingi and Tink = Tinkgi?
    Or .... I King Tin
    Or anagramwise: IKniting

    Or the middle letters of each name: INx2 =INTWO
    IN-XS ??

    Imagine people saying" "I'm into INTWO!""
    Very chic

    No need to thank me!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Looks like Synergy is winning out big time Ingi!
    Bizzle said...
    I just typed Synergy into and got seven groups called Synergy. Also Thursday DJ Synergy, Harmonic Brainwave Synergy,and Machine & the Synergetic Nuts.

    I say go with Goat Monkey. Or something really original, like Jet.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Oh dear, now I'm torn. But we did think that we shoudl just go with dynergy coz we like it and other people seem to, it'd only be a problem if we became interenational recording superstars, we're just a pub act, so I guess it doesn't realyl matter.
    Anonymous said...
    what about Dysentry?
    Ludicrousity said...
    Dboy said...
    Hehehe... nice one Kohl.

    What about Fart Juice?
    Ludicrousity said...
    Look, as wonderfully creative as you all are, I think we might just go wtih synergy...
    Anonymous said...
    You know, I think you meant to do that ANYWAY! Synergy was your prefered option ALL the time, and you were just stringing us on with No image and stuff!

    Well, to us you will always be known as the lead singer of the supergroup Goat Monkey!!!!!!!!!!

    (Or the rockin' GMs, for short)
    Anonymous said...
    YAY!!! for the GMs
    Ludicrousity said...
    I liked no image actually. Synergy was ingi's idea. Fart Juice, yeah, while that is a super name, I'm not sure the worls is ready for it just yet.
    Dboy said...
    FART JUICE!!!!
    Dboy said...
    Maybe... maybe... maybe... ah... YOU! Aha!

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