Thursday, December 29, 2005
I watched this movie while I was away in SA, and I just bought it today and watched it again just then. Such an amazing movie. You should totally go and see it if you haven't already. Amazing acting, great story, very powerful. It's the film adaption of the book by Nicholas Sparks. It's mostly a love story, so it's a bit of a chick flick, but my uncle, dad and brother enjoyed it too, so it can't be too girly. Great flick! 2 thumbs up!
Monday, December 26, 2005
Just some quick photos from my trip to South Australia. I'll give you a full report soon! This one is my Dad and my Aunty Sharon (Mum's sister)
This is Aunty Lynne (Mum's other sister) and I
This is Mum and I
This is (clockwise from back left) my Aunty Trisha (Mum's brother's wife), Mum, Luke, Nanna (Mum's Mum)
Saturday, December 24, 2005
All the best for tomorrow guys. Love you to all! Have a wodnerful Christmas!!! I'm having a great time up here in Whyalla, South Australia hanging out with all my extended family. I'll be back in Melbourne Tuesday night. Weather is gorgeous here, people are great, not much to do though... but it's all good. Enjoying myself immensly.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
I'm in SA right now, it seems like I'll have a little bit of net access. No photos as of yet, don't have a usb connection here, but have taken plenty of photos already! Having an awesome time. It's my Nanna's 70th birthday today, so we're doing lots of family stuff. The weather is amazing up here! Yay for Whyalla weather!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
I'm going away tomorrow for a week, so Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a safe Christmas and a truly wonderful time. I hope you spend it with people you love, and generally get into the Christmas Spirit. May we all be impacted by the true meaning of Christmas.
I took a silly photo of myself in some Christmas getup!
I'm so excited! I took 5 subjects this semester, and I have 4 of my results back. Just so you know, the marking system goes as follows:
HD - High Distinction
D - Distinction
C - Credit
P - Pass
F - Fail
I got 2 HD's and 2 D's, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting a HD for the one I don't know about yet. WHOO!!! I'm so happy!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Yesterday was a good day! It was very Christmassy! Because we're going to South Australia for Christmas this year to spend it with mum's side of the family, we had our Christmas lunch with dad's side of the family. It was great fun. Lots of amazing yummy food (Yay for mum!), great company, oh and exciting presents of course! I got my mic, lead and stand from mum and dad (I'll get the other part of my present from them on Christmas day), perfume ('moonflower' from the body shop) from Luke, money from Uncle Barry & Aunty Karen, money and tops from Nanna. Lots of fun!
Then last night my church had their annual carols in the park. Although, due to weather (it didn't rain in the end anyway), we had it indoors. Rain in summer? Doh! Oh well, still was an awesome night. Our band just rocked. We had Chrystal and Diane on vocals, Hugh on bass, Danny & Dan on trumpet, Dad on trombone, Aaron on Tuba, Sky on flute, Andreas on drums, Graeme on percussion, and myself on Piano and vocals. I got lots of positive feedback from everyone, so yay! It was great fun, I like singing carols. O Holy Night is my favourite one, AND I managed to hit that super crazy high note at the end. Oh yeah! Good times!
Here is some of the tinsel I wore in my hair last night. There was like 3 metres of it. So much tinsel... It was a tad itchy, but still fun! It's holly tinsel! Isn't it awesome?!
I love Christmas.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
I finally got me a microphone I can call my own! I went shopping yesterday morning with Rob (out to Mount Waverly!) and got a microphone, a stand and a lead. WHOO!!! All up we got everythign super cheap because we went to the place where Rob gets all his PA stuff for the Proclaimers. Ah, the life of a sound techie. All this stuff is part of my Christmas present from my parents. Aren't they wonderful? Oh yes they are! Answer your own question why don't you Megan. Why don't mind if I do!
Here is a picture of my wonderful new mic, still in the box. I have taken it out to have a look at it, but I'm not allowed to use it for another week. Doh! Oh well, here she is!
Friday, December 16, 2005
I had a super cool dream last night that I was on another planet. There were a whole bunch of us, can't remember why. But we were trying to suss out the place without letting the locals know we were there. They were humans too though. Then the overcast sky cleared to show the most beautiful night sky. We could see so many planets, including earth (which was huge), and billions of stars. It was one of the most visually stunning dreams I have ever had. I adore space and astronomy.
Then for no apparent reason we were in a supermarket on this planet doing some shopping for Danny because he was going to cook for Chrystal. Then it because a musical and we were all singing about what and how he should cook. This all totally seemed normal and everyone was joining in.
There was also this weird bit where I was on a big toy train and we all had to find something to do, like some sort of weird real life action sequence or something. No idea what that was about.
Ingi & I also got a gig supporting Mal Webb. It was so cool! It was @ 303 on High st, Northcote. Oh, and I wrote an awesome song, that sounded a little like 'overkill' by Colin Hay. Great song! I even remember how it kinda went, so I'm going to try to recreate it. How exciting!
Also in my dream, Guru bought 'Napolean Dynamite', and I was really annoyed at him, coz I wanted to buy it.
I quite often have very vivid dreams that I can remember ever detail of.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
This just makes me sad and angry. Biz puts it articulately, see her blog for the story on Tookie. May God use his life to create lasting change.
EDIT: I decided to put Biz's blogs here:
Have you heard about Stan 'Tookie' Williams? I rarely take interest in American 'execution of ex-gang leaders' affairs, but this one blew me away when I heard about it first on Hack on Triple J. It's insane that anyone could execute that man, reformed, redeemed and saving lives. Execution on 13th Dec, fate lies in the hands of one Arnold Schwarzenegger (who the hell would have used that sentence three years ago?!).
I encourage you to read about this guy here so he'll at least leave some sort of legacy.
Oh, and you can send a christmas card to Tony Blair.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a dick. He decided that Tookie still deserved to die and as of 1 minute past midnight Dec 13th - bummy American time - he was put to death. There goes a symbol of hope for hundreds of African Americans wanting to get out of the gang game, a proflific anti-violence activist, and any chance white America has of showing they care about disaffected youth and the right of every human being of redemption and forgiveness. Sorry if I sound preachy, but this case deserves a high-horse stance. Long Live Tookie.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
The last little while has been suprisingly busy! I expected to have a leisurely weekend, but oh no! I handed in my very last assignment for the year on Friday. WHOO!!! Ironically it was on anxiety... It is such an amazing feeling having everything finished for the year! I got some of my results back too. I did 5 subjects, and I have a HD (High Distinction) and a D (Distinction) so far. For those of you who don't know our tertiary marking system, they are the 2 highest marks you can get! WHOO!!! The D is for History which I thought I went the worst in! So I'm assuming that'll be the worst mark I get. YAY!
On the weekend (Saturday) I went to the St Andrews markets with Chrystal to buy beads and jewelry stuff. And we had felafel balls. Mmmm... felafel! We got so much stuff for $30! Best place ever to buy jewelry stuff! Then we quickly had lunch and went to see Alex in his end of year performance (he's a drama student/actor). It was on the 2002 bali bombings and generally anything in the media to do with Bali. It was really fantastic! Very thought provoking. From there we went to the Belgium Beer Garden. Oh yeah... such amazing Belgium beer! Then off to quickly have dinner and rush off to the jewelry making night Chrystal and I had organised. We had about 15 girls turn up and we made all sorts of things. We made earings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings. I even taught some people how to make macrame jewelry. All in all an awesome night of connection, productivity and fun!
Then on Sunday I had a rehersal at 8:15am (for church that morning), I played piano and sang for that. Then I went to Danny & Chrystal's for lunch. There were 8 of us there I think, lots of and lots of fun! Chrystal is a fantastic cook and the company was second to none! Then off to a carols rehersal which I'm also playing piano and singing in. Then rushed off to Prahran to do a gig (which was really awesome), then rushed back to my church. The gig was for the Christmas street festival thing of the church of one of my lecturere's, Glen. Great people, we had a good time there! Busy busy day. Then just hung out with peopel afterwards until 2am. Long long day... long long weekend... but good times!
Yesterday I worked again. Lifeguarding is easy, but hot and boring. It's just so humid! But it's nice to be back there, I have great workmates and it money! WHOO!!! Then last night I went to Jenny's place to see her new house. She just moved out to Carlton. And we walked to Lygon st and got gelati. Mmmm... gelati.
Well I'm going to meet Nomes for Breakfast now, then we'll do some Christmas shopping. Hmmm... long blog today...
Monday, December 12, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
I had a dream last night that I was on a camp with my college, and they were putting on a production of 'the sound of music'. And I wanted to be Maria, so they let me. I was singing a lot in my dream, and I actually sounded really good. Oh it was a good dream! *bursts into song*
The hills are alive, with the sound of music!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
I started work at 5:30am today! So wrong... Had to get up at 4:30am. Stupid open shift...
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Before you forget, GIG TOMORROW (Sunday)!!! COME ALONG!!!
Well it feels like it's been a super long day! But a good day! This morning I woke up early (well 8:15am is early for a Saturday!) and went to the St Andrew's markets with Chrystal. We had an awesome time! Didn't buy much, but we're going back next week, so I'll get lots of stuff then. Then I spent the afternoon hanging out with Chrystal at my place doing music stuff and just having an awesome chat. She's a great chicky to hang out with!Then I went and saw Wil Anderson do his show at Bar Open. Was a pretty good show. They were free tickets, so hey, I'm not complaining! I went there with Jenny, Alison and Sarah. I had a rather girly day really! He was pretty funny, but sometimes he just crossed the line and just went a bit too far. All in all it was a good show though.
Then tonight I went to my friend Natalie's house warming party. I study with her. I didn't think i was going to know anyone at the party, but I bumped into a girl I used to know called Jodie. Also Neale from church was there. How odd! We had fun, talked to some psycho hyper girls who kept us entertained! We did a kris kringle thing and I got a fun mobile phone charm thingy that is also a screen cleaner. Haha! It's a big pink flower on a bungy chord thing. We had to wear something Christmassy. I wore tinsel in my hair.
Now I'm very tired and need some spleep.
Friday, December 02, 2005
I feel like I've had such a crappy day. I've been so stressed this week. I'm exhausted.
Photo by Guru
Well I thought the stress of having to finish things at the last second was over. I realised only late last night that I have double booked myself for tonight. It is our college Christmas break up which I so desperately want to go to because all the American exchange students leave on Monday and I'll probably never see them again. This is the last chance I really have to see them. But I only found out late last night that I'm booked in to do a 10 minute puppet play for a play group Christmas break up! I totally did not realise that was tonight! CRAP!!!
Now I have to go do the puppet play thing which starts at 6:30pm, then rush off to the kingsley thing (which starts at 6pm), then maybe off to Friday Night Boardom after that. We'll see.I had to write a script this morning. I'm actually pretty happy with it. It's all about Christmas carols. It's kinda fun. But sigh... I always do things at the last second. I totally need to work on my time management...
Thursday, December 01, 2005
SOMEONE!!! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!! My brain is just totally fried. I haven't slept much all week because I've had so much work to do. I wrote 2 assignments this morning (about 4000 words), and I read 250 pages last night. Too much... I can now say that I understand everything there is to know about capitalism. Well, maybe not everything, but a lot! I can't think anymore. Can I have a nap? No? No time? DAMNIT!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
We are playing again this Sunday at the Manna Gum Festival in Greensborough! Should be a whole heap of fun, so get along if you can. We'll be playing a 45 minute set, a mix of originals and covers. Hope to see you there!
So you know where it is! Melways Map 21 A2
You can click on the pic below for a bigger version of it.
Monday, November 28, 2005
I'm currently writing an exegesis paper on Psalm 51:6-12. It's such a beautiful Psalm. It is also a most beautiful song by the Sons Of Korah. It was written by King David of Israel after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba, and had her husband killed. I think it is a beautiful portreyal of his heart. I have felt this way at times in my life.
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts;
you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
Hide your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not case me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
I had my very first Thanksgiving dinner last night. The American exchange students/lecturers put on a big dinner for all of us at Kingsley College. It was a really awesome night just hanging out and eating lots of crazy American food. Pumkin pie is just weird. So is corn bread. Did you know Americans don't eat pumkin as a vegetable? They only put it in pies and bread and things like that. How odd! Anyway, we had an awesome night! This is Katie, Alyssa and Krista (from left to right). They are some of the American exchange students.
This is Diana and Katie. Also American exchange students.
This is Michelle, Melissa, Misty and I don't know the other girl's name. Oops. More American exchange students.
And here is the dessert table aftermath. So much food...
Friday, November 25, 2005
Last night after college (I have night classes on Thursdays) I went to the public bar in the city with Sabine to see my cousin Steve's band "The Hello Morning". They are really awesome. I saw them 3 weeks ago too, and I'm a big fan of their music. I hadn't gone to see them for ages because I wasn't getting their emails (stupid hotmail), but now I do, so yay! And Steve is really helping me with my band. He's telling me who to ring and how to get gigs in pubs and other places. It's been really helpful to get some hints of someone who's already playing the circut. If you get the chance, get along to see them. I'll post details of their shows from time to time.
Tonight I'm going to my very first thanksgiving dinner! Obviously it's not really an Australian tradition, but at college we have a bunch of American exchange students and lectureres, and they are putting on a dinner for us tonight. Should be a whole bunch of fun! I think about 60 people are going.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
I've decided that I'm not on tv enough, so I am about to rectify the situation. On Wednesday, I will be in the audeince for the new show 'Australia's Brainiest Comedian'. It looks like an incredibly hilarious show and I managed to get tickets to one of the tapings, it's going to be a whole series, not just an episode like I thought. WHOO!!! I can't wait! It'll be so much fun! I got 6 tickets! I'm not sure when it airs, I'll let you know so you can look out for me!
Tonight I'm off to see my cousin's band 'the hello morning'. They are great! If you want to see a great accoustic duo, get along to see them all around Melbourne when you can! They are playing tonight at the public bar opposite the queen vic markets at 11pm. And I'm also hopging to go to see Wil Anderson's latest stand up show. He's doing some trial shows before he sets off on a national tour, and I sent off for tickets coz I'm on his mailing list. Hope I get them!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I'm feeling the pressure of the end of the semester. I have so many things to do in the next week and a half. The task seems rather daunting. I'm sure I can get it all done, but it's going to take a lot of time and hard work. Sigh. 9 days to go until everything is due in, and 2 days left of classes.
By the way, Ingi & I have a gig this Saturday. Details here.Oh, and I'm hoping to win this car tonight on Rove Live! It's the new Toyota Yaris!
Monday, November 21, 2005
I thought my dog was looking a little plain, so I decided to spruce her up a bit. That's right, I went for the next logical step and I highlighted her! I was highlighting as I read stuff for college and she was sleeping next to me, so I drew a bright yellow spot on her back! Then I thought that she didn't look quite complete, so a couple of hours later I drew a bright green spot on her too. She looks so pretty!
Here is an excerpt from another conversation I had with iGod:
you are stupid
I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
robots will never take over the world
"I think there is a world market for about five computers."---Thomas Watson, IBM Chairman, 1943.
I'm not Thomas Watson
I am surprised to hear that you are not Thomas Watson.
You thought I was Thomas Waston?
Not that I know of.
you're an idiot!
Call me the Global Village Idiot.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
I had a lot of fun tonight! I went and saw Mal Webb earlier this evening. He is just brilliant! If you've never seen him, then I definately recommend that you see him at least once! He is this unbelievable musician who knows everything there is to know about music and the physics of it. He puts on a truly unique show that is full of quirks, audience participation and fun! He is just so good at engaging the crowd and making people feel at ease and enthusiastic. He's playing again in a fortnight, so if you want to come along, keep that date open!
Then I went for some food with Alison, and then to Bridie O'Reileys (Irish pub) in the city. That was kinda crap though, there was hardly anyone there and we just had weird, drunk guys coming up to us all night. But all in all it was a good night.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
It's official. I'm going crazy. It's 1:30am and not only have I written an assignment on "understanding the church as the family of God', but I've read 200 pages of a book on postmodernism and Christianity. I love this stuff, but it's just too much in too short a time period. I'm suffering from severe brain overload and I'm going insane. I just can't cope with any more information! I need to finished reading another 115 pages or so (tonight) but I think I'm going to give up and go to bed. My brain is fried. Too much information!!! And just because I can, I've decided to post my assignment here for anyone to read if they feel like it. Footnotes don't work on a blog, so I'll put any footnotes in brackets.
The Bible speaks often about the Church as the Family of God. It seems to me that we do not fully understand what it means to be the family of God, but rather see ourselves as individual people of God who belong to this indefinable group that is ‘somewhere out there’. I want to explore what it means to really be the Family of God, and how we experience that in everyday life.
We tend to see Church as an institution rather than as a state of being. In biblical terms we are the Church, we do not go to Church. The Church is rather a collection of God’s people who are to be intertwined with one another as we travel through life. We ought not to simply meet together and share an isolated section of our lives, but rather share life as a whole. I long to be part of a real Church who share life, what life is, not what we make it out to be when we see each other on a Sunday.
I was thinking about the concept of discovering who we are. We most definitely need to know who we are before we can ask what we will do. I believe that God calls us to be, not to do. What we do will spring from who we are. When we are right with God as He calls us to be, then action is a natural flow on. James discusses this in great length. James 1:22 says "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." It seems to me that it is not just that we act, but that we act out of a natural flow on from our relationship with God, from our faith (Not to say that these actions are always easy and life is always happy because we have God, because the nature of our world means that this is not so. But rather that we have the ability to choose to do what God asks of us because of the nature of our relationship with Him). We need to be defined as the people of God because of who we are. This speaks louder than anything to the post-modern world.
‘Postmodernism (a philosophical state) and postmodernity (a cultural shift)’ (Stuart Murray "Post-Christendom" pg. 12) are the settings in which we find ourselves. Regardless of what we would prefer, this is our world at this present time, and we need to accept that before we have any chance of having an impact on it. You can not have an impact on something if you are pretending it is anything other than it really is, and to accept it, you need to understand it (Having said that, it is almost impossible to understand something that is in itself undefined. It is called the postmodern era simply because it is post the modern era. Therefore we are in a period of transition and have not yet defined where we are as western society). As Stuart Murray discusses in his book ‘Post-Christendom’ we need to first understand Christendom (where we have been) before we can understand where we are. It seems to me that many denominations want to simply ignore the past and focus solely on the present and the future. While I can understand where this mindset comes from, it is a wrong one. How can we know what we are moving towards if we do not know from what we are moving, and why it is being moved away from? We need to realise where we have been, and then begin to assess where we are going.
I was really interested in David Wilson’s module of the Church as always the Church, but simply changing between gathered and scattered. It seems to me that this is not an easy concept for Westerners (myself included) to grasp. We may be able to grasp it intellectually, but we do not have a frame of reference from which to understand life in community. We compartmentalise our lives, Church being one of these compartments. We do not know how to tear down the walls we have set up for ourselves. It is one thing for me to imagine what it would be like, but I find it difficult (if not impossible) to understand how to live it practically.
Our culture is set up to be an individualistic one, and our society is based on mistrust. From our earliest days we are taught not to trust others; only trust when it is earned, do not have contact with strangers unnecessarily. This means that we are conditioned from birth to form relationships that are the opposite to what God is asking of us as the people of God. We are taught self-protection mechanisms, and we form them for ourselves as we are given cause to. We create layer upon layer of protection, most of them unconscious. Therefore when we try to have open relationships, we can’t. We can attempt to tear down these self-imposed walls, but how can you tear down a wall you do not know it is there? We become so accustomed to hiding our real selves that we can’t even show it when we desire to. This, to me, is one of the huge disadvantages of living in a materialistic society based on individualistic consumerism.
We spend 95% of our time as the Church scattered, so what does that mean? How do we still ‘be’ Church outside of our physical church setting? I wonder if people can tell that there is anything different about me, without me having to tell them I am a Christian. I wonder if we know what it is to be the people of God, and not just say and do the right things. That seems to be the crutch of it all in postmodern society. People do not care about the message until they accept the messenger. The question of postmodern society is not ‘what did you say?’, it is ‘who are you to tell me that?’. We need to be people that create an acceptable answer to that question by our lifestyles, not just by our words. Don’t get me wrong, words are very important. James chapter 3 talks about the power of the tongue, and how vital it is that we choose our words carefully. They can cut and destroy a person’s soul. But relationship is more important that words. In all areas of our lives we need to have the kind of relationships that answer the question ‘who are you to tell me that?’ The issue then becomes not what we believe, but rather how we present it.
How do we ‘do’ Church anyway, even when we are the Church gathered? Is our current system the way to go? If we look at how our current system originated, it might be right to ask the question of whether it is right to continue. Our current system came out of the Christendom era. Seeing as that era is passing away, does it still fit what we are moving in to? It seems to me that the system is not inherently bad, but perhaps we need to rethink our format. Do we do it because it works, or because it is comfortable and familiar?
Change is difficult. Human nature says that change is bad. It is uncomfortable, and we like homeostasis. Humans do not gravitate towards things that make us uncomfortable, we all move towards the familiar and the comfortable. This does not prevent us from moving into the unknown, it just makes us inclined not to do so. But given enough reason and motivation we seem willing and able to change. The thing then to me seems to be to know and understand that reason. Why change? Do we really want to reach people and see them come to Christ? Or do we want to see people come to us? I know what is easier, but what is right?
Dialogical relationships are the key. However, Christendom has left us with a legacy of ‘Banking Education’. ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed’ by Paulo Freire talks about two forms of education, Banking (or anti-dialogical) and Dialogical. Banking Education is where I deposit information into you, and you accept it. Dialogical Education is where we work things through together, and we all learn cooperatively. We cannot deposit the Gospel into someone and expect them to be grateful and accept Christ. It is all about relationship, and respecting the person enough to know that they will know the truth if they choose, given the opportunity. Coercion is not only ineffective, but I think it is unbiblical and unethical. Jesus never coerced anyone into believing in Him. He gave them the opportunity, and then left them with the decision. Why then would we see it as our task to ‘make sure’ that anyone accept Christ? (Not to say that evangelism is not important, but rather that it is not our job to make anyone believe in Jesus)
"When we review the intellectual history of the 19th century in panorama, we cannot help but be struck by the enormous profusion of ideologies that century managed to produce: Liberalism, conservatism, Marxism, Darwinism, Positivism, idealism, Hegelianism, socialism, Owenism, anarchism, communism, Romanticism and the list seems to go on and on. I would suggest that the proliferation of these -isms, of these grandiose systems, was the product of an age in which intellectual life had become much more complex and intense" ( This is the history from which we emerge. There are so many options available to us about which direction to come at life from. Ideologies run rampant in our society, and postmodernism tells us to accept that truth is subjective, and we may make up our own minds as to what is right for us. This means that forcing the Gospel on anyone will not work. We must learn that we have moved to the margins. Christianity is no longer at the centre of our society, we are in the minority and we must behave accordingly.
So where does this leave us? It seems to present more questions that it does answers. The answer is, it seems, that there is no answer. We are in the midst of a time where we do not know what we are moving into, only that we are moving from something. We must learn to live with the ambiguity and become more flexible than we have ever been. It is vital not to lose the essence of what we are on about as Christians, but it is also important not to hold too tightly onto that which is not necessary. It is a difficult (and sometimes painful) task to sift through what needs to be let go of and what needs to be held on to, but one that must be asked if we are to survive as the Family of God.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Well, it's the latest craze, so I did it. I had a conversation with iGod and am posting it on my blog. I have to do what all the cool kids are doing.
Hi! Oh! I've wanted to meet you for so long!
Hello. What is your name? Wow! How do you usually meet people?
Well I didn't think I'd ever meet God on the internet! My name is Tink
Interesting. Would you ever do it? I'm pleased to introduce myself to you, Tink.
Would I ever meet God on the internet? Well I think I just did!
That's what I asked you. Well that's okay. Interesting.
*throws a cloud at God*
My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
I just threw a cloud at you
You are not the boss of me, Tink.
I can try to be
Oh you can, can you?
I sure can!
Who taught you?
No one, I think it's part of human nature
That is a rather sweeping generalization about people.
Yes it is, but I can generalize. Like all footballers are cannibals.
Next question? Oh you can, can you? Interesting comparison.
They are, Ratty has decided it is so
Ratty has decided it is so are they.
Yes. And I've decided that I can generalize
Blimey. How did you decide?
By making a decision
Will that accomplish your objective?
Well my objective is to be one day made of solid metal, so probably not
Well that's okay. Do robots have objective is to be one day made of solid metal so probably not?
I think they are made of solid metal!
You believe that? made of solid metal are they.
they are
Since when?
what else are they made of?
What subject would you like to talk about?
Have you ever been to Europe?
yes! I went to Germany 8 years ago
Which countries have you visited? That seems like quite a long time.
Just Germany. It was very cold.
Tell me a little about your life in GERMANY. GERMANY was cold? Very interesting.
I was on a student exchange program there.
I have never been on it.
on a student exchange program? No, i assume not
What is it like on a student exchange program. That was not a yes or no question. That was not a yes or no question.
As fun as this has been, I'm going to go now. Hopefully we can chat later God.
Oh. Do you mean your name is fun as this has been you are going to go ? Why do you hope for it.
Haha! Goodbye God.
I am so glad you find this amusing, Tink. TTYL, Tink.
Bye God
Bye bye.
I think Ben Lee has some of the best lyrics EVER!!! How good is this?!
You're not a land mine
You're not a gold mine
No you're not mine at all
Monday, November 14, 2005
Today I bought "Awake Is The New Sleep' by Ben Lee. After seeing him in concert a couple of weeks ago I just had to get it. Pay day was today, so cd shopping I went! I LOVE this album! I'm even more impressed with it than I thought I would be! I'm loving track 8 called 'no right angles' (ok so I love all the tracks, but that one stands out right now). This cd is brilliant! Anyone who doesn't have it should get it! GO BEN! He's playing in Melbourne again on November 29th, I'm thinking about going.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Just letting you know that I've updated my links list.
Sometimes you just have a good day. Today has been one of those 'just good' days. I went to church this morning and played the piano and sung. I love my band. It was awesome and so much fun! Then I had lunch at home quickly and went to Suzie & Ryan's engagement party this afternoon. I had a really nice time. It was a beautiful day and we were in a park and I got to hang out with a bunch of people I do see often, and a bunch of people I don't get to see that often. I really enjoyed just chatting with people. And I'm off to church again tonight which will be great, then going to see 'Doom' at the movies. Chickenhead has managed to convince me to go, even though I'm sure it's totally not my kind of movie.
I also got told I'm a timeless hippy today. I wasn't dressed hippy-like at all, but Ben Cording said I'd always be a hippy, no matter how I dressed. There you go.
Friday, November 11, 2005
"So I try to take time, just to breathe for a minute, to find a silent breath I can call my own.
So I try to give time, just to breathe for a minute, to find a silent breath I can call my own.
And I know I choose to be, yet I feel I'm a captive of it.
And I make love to it, but I hate it.
And I want to, but I'm scared of running away.
To make love or to hate, is all in my own hands."
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I have become increasingly impressed with Bollywood movies. I know this is not strictly a bollywood movie, but I saw 'Bride and Prejudice' today. I really enjoyed it! I really wanted to see the production 'the merchants of bollywood' but alas I'm poor. I enjoy the vibrance of the movies and the energy of them. They don't resort to sleazy or gratuitous material to create impact. I must say I'm highly impressed. Great acting and amazing singing!
Also, I just love tea. This is my favourite mug and one of my favourite herbal teas. I just love tea.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
So I'm rather sick today. My sinuses are all blocked and my throat is all swollen and sore. I'm just sitting at home feeling sorry for myself. I have a test tomorrow morning. I hope I'm better tomorrow.
Revhead has awarded me 50 points with the consent of Dboy! WHOO!!! Wait, he's made it 60 points! Oh yeah!
Chrystal & I were walking through Westerfold's park on Saturday and we came across a lovely blue tongue lizard waddling across the path. He was so cute! I'm trying to send a pic of him from my phone to my email so I can post it, but it's not going through. How sad.
I had a great day yesterday.
I woke up Sunday morning with swollen glands and a stuffed up nose. I think I'm getting sick. Everyone feel sorry for me. Please?
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Don't you just love naps? I love naps! I just had a nap. Mmm... nap...
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Here is my replacement blog for the one I accidentally deleted last night. I was too tired to bother doing it again. So the gig last night went really well! We played for about half an hour. We played 6 originals and 2 covers. It was the first time we'd added the keyboard to the group. It was a bit intimidating for me, but really fun too! It definately added to the fuller sound of the group. Was a whole heap of fun! We were pleasantly surprised at the venue. It was a really nice social club kinda place. Anyway, it was great! Ingi & I loved the other band we played with! They were an awesome 9 piece blues band! How fun! Anyway, thanks to those who came to support us!
I'm going out to catch up with Chrystal now. No more time for blogging! Love to you all!
Friday, November 04, 2005
I just wrote a long blog and accidentally deleted it. I don't have the energy to do it again. I'll blog tomorrow. I'm sad and tired now.
Well we're off to our gig now. Half an hour of our own original music! WHOO!!!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
EDIT: We're actually on stage at about 9:15pm!!!
Hello Hello!
No, I'm not from Chris and Marie's plan farm. It's official, here are the details for our gig tomorrow night. Love to see you there!
When: Friday 4th November
Where: Westerfold Squash & Swimming Centre
2 Swilk St,
Time: 7.30pm onwards
NB: Free entry
Drinks at bar prices
I actually have no idea how long we're playing for, and it seems we're on stage at about 9:15pm. So if you like, just come along for a fun night (hopefully!) :)
I'm having a difficult week. I'm struggling to engage in anything emotionally or mentally (and physically too). I just don't have enough energy. I think it's mainly due to lack of sleep, I can't be bothered doing anything. I'm worn out. Classes have been hard this week, I just don't have the energy.
We have a gig tomorrow night! I don't know anything about it except that it's tomorrow night, Friday Nov 4th, and it's in Templestowe. It was set up for us by another muso friend of mine. Thanks Blaine! Details coming tonight when I find out what they are!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Ok, prepare for a photo onslaught!
The concert last night was just incredible! We (Ingi & I) went along to see 5 different acts at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. 3 of whom weren't too well known and 2 of whom took out most of this year's ARIA's. Ben Lee was just amazing! I liked him before, but now I love him! And what can I say about Missy? Fabulous as always! She is such a good live performer! Both artists were just so good at engaging the crowd and drawing you into their music, not just playing to you. I sang along to almost every song from Ben & Missy, but it was loud enough to do that without annoying other people, so that was awesome!
I'm still in a bit of a daze (the good kind) from it all. I had an amazing night. I hope that'll be me one day... *sigh* Anyway, here come the photos!
Us at the station excited about going to the concert!
Still excited on the train!
Nice view while we waited in a 50 minute queue to get in
One of the support acts taken through a pair of binoculars. Very artistic of me indeed!
Our tickets!
Waiting in between support acts playing 500...
Still excited, but kinda tired...
Where we sat
Ben Lee!
Ben with his awesome guitar!
Missy Higgins!!!
Missy at her piano
Then the battery on my digital camera died. I cried. Well, not really, but I was sad.
Monday, October 31, 2005
That was so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Full report coming tomorrow complete with photos.
Well I'm about to leave! I'm going to the Sidney Myer Music Bowl to see Missy Higgins and Ben Lee. It's going to be awesome!!! We bought our tickets months ago, and the day is finally here!!! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow! WHOO!!!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Sometimes I get really disturbed by dreams. Even though I know they aren't real, I'm left with an emotional sentiment from them that gets to me. Last night I had a dream that I was on a boat from Tassie to Melbourne (with a lot of my Melbourne friends) and something happened (I can't remember specifically what), and the boat sunk. I almost died and it was terrifying, but I did survive. But two of my friends died. It was just horrible! I spent the second half of the dream crying. And 2 of my other friends just didn't seem to really care that 2 of our friends had died. It was so distubing and it really creeped me out.
That's a word right?
I had fun last night.
I've lost 4 kg in the last week and a half.
I have one episode of 'Angel' left to watch. WHOO!!!
I love daylight savings!
I'm going to go and play the piano now.
Friday, October 28, 2005
EDIT; Oh, and I forgot that I have another birthday party this afternoon (Saturday) that I forgot about. Great. TOO MUCH STUFF!!! And I got to bed at 3am...Zzzzz...
I think I'm going to have a rather busy weekend this weekend. I'm taking my friend Krissy out to buy a mobile this arvo, she's a bit phone illiterate you see, and needs someone with her so she doesn't make a stupid decision like last time. Then I'm going to Kelly's 23rd birthday party tonight. Tomorrow morning I'm going to the St Andrews markets with Beth, then catching up with Pete (my friend from Tassie who's over visiting for the weekend) in the afternoon. And at night I have Alex's 21st (even though his birthday was 6 months ago). Then on Sunday morning I'm singing a song with Rachel at church. Perhaps I have Sunday afternoon off. I sure hope so coz I have lots of study stuff to get done. Then I'm back at church Sunday night and I usually don't get home til about 11pm after catching up with everyone afterwards. It'll be fun though. Oh, and on Monday, I'm going to the Ben Lee/Missy Higgins concert!!! I can't wait!!! What are you guys doing this weekend?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Orby (Rob) has a blog now! WHOO!!!
Go the carrot not the stick, go the carrot not the stick.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I went to see Chicken today at his new work and we had yummy coffee/hot chocolate. Mmm... grande hot chocolate... It's a very nice shop in a nice area.
Look! It's chicken!
Mmm... Grande Hot Chocolate..
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I wish I had a guy that would warn me when I was going to do something stupid before I did it. He could sing to me to warn me "MISTAKE!!!" And he'd be an opera singer. Just like JD has in Scrubs.
I love walking. I went for such a nice walk yesterday in our local park! Isn't it purdy?
Here is my puppy!