Wednesday, December 14, 2005


This just makes me sad and angry. Biz puts it articulately, see her blog for the story on Tookie. May God use his life to create lasting change.

EDIT: I decided to put Biz's blogs here:

Have you heard about Stan 'Tookie' Williams? I rarely take interest in American 'execution of ex-gang leaders' affairs, but this one blew me away when I heard about it first on Hack on Triple J. It's insane that anyone could execute that man, reformed, redeemed and saving lives. Execution on 13th Dec, fate lies in the hands of one Arnold Schwarzenegger (who the hell would have used that sentence three years ago?!).

I encourage you to read about this guy here so he'll at least leave some sort of legacy.

Oh, and you can send a christmas card to Tony Blair.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a dick. He decided that Tookie still deserved to die and as of 1 minute past midnight Dec 13th - bummy American time - he was put to death. There goes a symbol of hope for hundreds of African Americans wanting to get out of the gang game, a proflific anti-violence activist, and any chance white America has of showing they care about disaffected youth and the right of every human being of redemption and forgiveness. Sorry if I sound preachy, but this case deserves a high-horse stance. Long Live Tookie.


  1. Luke said...
    I read and commented on the other blog. Man, that's so infuriating. The fact that a man can reform seems to be ignored by the death penalty. This is why man should never be allowed to judge who lives and who dies. They cannot see into the person's heart.
    Luke said...
    I guess the perfect example is to pick the man you respect most in the world who does amazing things for humanity, to help it grow and improve, who might save countless lives. Now imagine it was uncovered that they commited, say, a crime punishable by death that they did over 20 years ago. They have repented since then, done everything they could to apologise for it, and are a new person.

    Would you say it's right to execute them then? Or simply find another way to punish them that would still allow them to do the amazing things they are doing?

    To deprive the world of anyone who does great things can't be right. Heck, throw 'em in prison, but give them all they need to keep doing good if you have to.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Tookie was actually claiming to be innocent of the charges that got him executed. The evidence that said he did kill that guy was largely circumstantial. I dont' agree with the death penalty full stop. Punishment and consequences yes, not death though.
    Dboy said...
    You've got to ask yourself what the purpose of the law is. Some people think that we have punishment to deter crime, and to rehabilitate criminals. The atheistic consequentialist would say that this is a right thing to do (ie. someone who will always opt for the choice that produces the best results), as well as anyone with any kind of morality (I know I'm making a vast generalisation here - I'm sure there's still some twisted wankers who are in some small sense 'moral' but still don't understand second chances).

    Some people think we have the law to enact revenge on those who did wrong. To those people I say 'Get bent': when has revenge ever helped anybody in any situation? I use the recent 'race riots' in Sydney as an example. Punishment for no reason other than 'they did the wrong thing' is for twisted and sick people.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Preach it brother! I'm so sad for the loss of that great man's life.

    Who are we to say that one person is worth keeping alive and another doesn't' deerve life? How on earth do you judge that? Who has the right to judge that? If you've never done anything wrong, then perhaps you are in a position to judge, but no one is, who are they to say that this man deserves life less than another? Talk about arrogance!
    Luke said...
    Hang on Peebody, I never said make exceptions. I'm saying ditch the death penalty!

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