Monday, October 10, 2005


Thankfully it's over! I've now done my talk at church, so I have one less thing to be stressed about. I'm generally not a stressy kind of person (Well I'm not entirely sure that's true, I'm not sure I always recognise when I'm stressed), but anyway, I have been a bit stressed over this. But as per usual it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I actually felt rather comfortable up there talking, but the preparation bit freaked me out good and proper, but in the end it did go rather well. I was happy with it anyway. It wasn't great, but it was good. I think God really used it to speak to people too which is awesome! And it's kind of the point really! I'm glad God was able to take my feeble words and do something with them. I've got some positive feedback which is good, and some of the things I said seemed to have helped people, and that was the point. I didn't do the talk for me!


  1. Anonymous said...
    How good was that church service? A total cult of Dboy takover!!

    - Dboy and friends doing dramas and vox pops
    - Chickenhead roosting in the audience
    - Tink doing a great talk
    - Wire, yes Wire caning them with his action figure stories
    - king Kohl sitting on the sidelines throwing in meanningful definitions of 'temptation' ( the theme)
    - revhead up in the sound box!
    The band playing up a storm!!

    Not at ALL like the convent back in Tassie!!

    I'm glad I pooped in on my magic habit
    Anonymous said...
    Did I say pooped???
    Ludicrousity said...
    I think there is something lying deep in his consciousness...
    I agree wanda! Last night was ace! Lots of amazing contributions from everyone. What a great drama from Dboy & co! Yay for Wire and his wonderful kyte stories! What a wonderful job by revhead in the soundbox! Yay for all the wonderful people that made it what it was. Yay for everything!
    Luke said...
    Wait Wanda, Danny's doing dramas again?! Awww man! I wanna be a part of that!! Stupid surgery...

    That's it, I am recovering ASAP and getting in on the drama thang.
    Ludicrousity said...
    It was so awesome! Matt Baker, Danny & Alex did it. Yay for them! Alex used the same voice as the robot devil! Hilarious!
    Dboy said...
    LMAO... yeah, the robot devil from last episode of Futurama. Alex is awesome. Matt was awesome. Tink was awesome! Wire was just the most hilarious kid ever. He had me wetting the proverbial pants.
    Anonymous said...
    Awww, and me stuck way out here in Alaska .... it all sounds .... awesome.
    Ludicrousity said...
    What are you doing in Alaska you silly man! Stop your silly ice fishing and get back here!
    Ludicrousity said...
    A crazy man who's ice fishing in Alaska!
    Dboy said...
    He is the guy who always comes up when somebody else wants another character to say somthing with...
    Dboy said...
    B - I - N - G - O
    B - I - N - G - O
    B - I - N - G - O
    and Bingo was his name - O!
    Ludicrousity said...
    And Bingo was his name-o!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Sister Wanda's description sure is accurate. Yay Wanda!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Haha! We go to a rather contemporary church. It's great! People I can think of off the top of my head who go to my church, King Kohl, revhead (he's actually our pastor), film guru, me, dboy, chickenhead, and wire. I'm so sorry if I missed anyone!
    Dboy said...
    Ewww... minister.

    *shudders as he remembers his tedious church upbringing*
    Ludicrousity said...
    No, I don't want to be a minister. I'm thinking I might want to be a counsellor now.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Wow! Sounds pretty full on! The more I think about it, the more it seems like something I want to do.

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