Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Conflicting Emotions

Well, isn't it nice to know that people have been lying to me? I was going to leave this for a couple of weeks, and reveal that I knew later, but I can't be bothered. For the most part I think it's pretty damn funny. Very clever and well done. I was fooled completely. But on the other hand I feel a tad humilated knowing that people have been laughing at me behind my back.

Still confused?

EDIT: Just making it clear that I'm not mad at anyone. I get cranky when I'm sleepy, and I haven't had enough sleep. No harm done. It's all good.


  1. Ludicrousity said...
    Yeah, because you were writing about it, I decided to reveal I knew now, rather than have other people tell me about it later when I already knew.
    Dboy said...
    Ah, yes... that.

    It was all meant in good fun (like you taking over my cult :)) - but I am sorry if it has made you feel in any way irked, or upset, or distraught, depending on the severity of the emotion that you are feeling.

    I was never laughing at you, Tink - we may have felt jubilant at the thought of an effective retaliation (to your take-over), but to my knowledge we weren't laughing at you in the sense you you were dumb for not knowing or anything. Cos you weren't to know. So that would be dumb. Of us.

    Hope that clears things up a bit, but now for my question:

    How did you find out? Was it Luke?
    Ludicrousity said...
    I was sent an anonymous email with the link in it. No idea who sent it. I know you guys didn't mean it in a mean way. And I do think it's very funny. Good job! But yeah, I guess I just feel kinda stupid even though I know no one meant it that way. Eh, it's all good. I'm cool with it.
    Ludicrousity said...
    I found out yesterday. I wasn't going to tell anyone I knew for a while, but then I couldn't be bothered trying to think of a way to twist the knowledge to my advantage.

    By the way, I'm not really hurt or anything. I just haven't slept enough and I get easily annoyed when I don't sleep. I think that's all it is.
    Anonymous said...
    i still don't know what your going on about.
    Anonymous said...
    you're, not your
    Ludicrousity said...
    If people are still confused:
    Brie said...
    heheheh... thats kinda funny, i always thought capt@ was a bit over the top but he just kept commenting... you're gonna have to think of something really good to get them back with tink!
    Ludicrousity said...
    I noticed most of those characters disappeared, except for the cap. Oh well, we'll have to adjust to life without the cap I guess, or he may stick around and we can now abuse him because he's not real. Well, abuse him more anyway, and be harsher. Cap, you're a pathetic waste of space who will never amount to anything. I wish you had never been born you pile of puss!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Yes, because he is a pathetic excuse for a man who must have been castrated.
    Brie said...
    Ludicrousity said...
    Well the site may not have been active for a while, but some of you are still using your fake identities.
    Bizzle said...
    My my. Well you guys did a crap job on me, but I was only a bit player anyway. 10 points for organisation.
    Ludicrousity said...
    You're giving them points?! NOOOOOO!!!!!
    Luke said...
    My effort to make an alias was awful. It would have been flawless, Tink had no idea until I told her I was kittylitter, but I had surgery, so I couldn't keep it going. :(
    Dboy said...
    "Surgery this", "Surgery that", "Waah waah waah"...

    Dboy said...
    No YOU shutup!
    Ludicrousity said...
    BOTH of you shut up!

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