Saturday, May 28, 2005

(insert sarcasm) Tee hee hee

What is up with the comedic world? Last night I went to the comedy club in Melbourne for dinner and a show and can I say up front what a huge disappointment it was. There were 4 comedians on for the whole night and none of them were very good at all. All of their acts were based on swearing (so over the top it was unnecessary and took away from anything else they were trying to say), negativity, bagging out people groups, and sex. YAWN!!!! What's wrong with people's brains?!! I don't necessarily want an intellectual routine, but one that requires even the smallest amount of brain power to devise. COME ON! How hard is it to actually be funny if you're supposed to be a comedian. I don't think it's comedy when you call back on material that only appeals to the lowest common denomenator. it's honestly pathetic. I really enjoy comedy that is funny because of the subject material, not because of swearing used to liven up the otherwise boring story. I'm seriously disappointent in last night's so-called comics.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Tell me about it! there seems to be an assumption that "Laughter caused by nervousness and embarassement" EQUALS "Laughter caused by rib tickiling witty and insightful TALENT!"

    actually I find stand up gag-routines generally tedious and forced - much prefer comedians who tell stories with color and oomph, and who are totally disassociative - a la Billy Connelly... tho' he is alarmingly and needlessly rude at times, but he is funny, but I wouldn't admit it publically, not on a blog site like this anyway...
    Ludicrousity said...
    oh no, never! :)

    I thought the funniest guy at the comedy festival was a guy called Demitri Martin! Look him up! He was hilarious!!!! No swearing or sex jokes, it was all in the way he delivered jokes. And he was a little obscure which was hilarious! Oh I loved him!
    Ludicrousity said...
    I haven't looked at the site, but here is his site
    Anonymous said...
    I'm sorry the comady club was such a dissapointment. I once harboured dreams of being a stand-up, but I just wasn't that good. But still, here goes. "Anyone here from the fair city of Adaliad? I've never been to Adalaid 'sept for footbal, and I don't really know much about it, but never mind! Anyway, rubber chickens taist quite nice if you cook them for long enough. Thank you, your a loverly croud." See why I gave it up? My faviourate comedian is probably watshisname from Spics and Specs. I have no particular problem with Billy Connelly.
    Ludicrousity said...
    I'm a huge fan of Chris Addison too. He's hilarious!! He's English and very excited all the time! A highly enthusiastic man who can't keep still. It's so funny!
    Unknown said...
    Oh I RECKON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so not a fan of heaps of comedians coz its justlike ohw ell if i stand up there with a stupid look on my face and say something that doesn't make sense, they'll laugh coz thats what you do when someones a stand up comedian. BORING! There are few that make me laucgh. I am not easy to please. YAY for good stand up comedy, but BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBbbbbbboooooooooooooobooooooooooo goooooo hoooooooooooooooommmmeeeeeee! To those that might as well not ry. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
    Anonymous said...
    I'm totally with you on this one sis. Smut tends not to make me laugh that much. The best comedy will always be clever comedy and satire, not pointless smut. Gah!

    At least there's still some good huour out there (ala Fraiser).
    Ludicrousity said...
    Don't get me started on how much I LOVE Frasier! Graet show! I'm so excited about the brand new episodes. FINALLY!!! Can I also say how much I love the comedy band "tripod". They rock!! Scared Weird Little Guys too. SO FUNNY!
    :| raven |: said...
    hi :)

    i used to go to comedy clubs all the time. i agree with you that it seems all they do is swear .. or put people down. i haven't been in a while. there is one guy here in the US that is very funny ... and he doesn't swear (not that i can remember anyway) .. his name is Kevin James. he was in the movie Hitch with Will Smith .. has a sitcom on TV.

    i don't know about the woman that you spoke of.
    Brie said...
    Tripod are awesome. Some guys at my school started up a similar kind of band. They're called the Flaming Weasels and they rewrite the words of songs. I went to a local Battle of the Bands last night and they were playing. You couldn't here the words but.
    Sorry for rambling and I hope your bruise gets better
    Ludicrousity said...
    My bruise is much better thanks! :) Who are you aimless penguin? It's possible I know you.
    Ludicrousity said...
    I definately want to travel still, but I think I'll put locks on my bag! And Bali wasn't on my list of places I want to travel too anyway.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Yeah, I know tenacious D. I like their song 'tribute', but everything else I've heard of theirs is just terrible. They seem to base their songs on negaitivty and swearing once again. I don't find it funny at all.
    Ludicrousity said...
    They did only gay eskimo? I've heard that one.

    I don't think i've actually heard any of the other songs you mentioed. I just heard their one album once and remember hating it.

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