Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I had some seriously weird dreams last night. I dreamt I was on deal or no deal, that was fully awesome! A friend of mine was on that last week (in real life, not in a dream)! We all went over to her (Kelly's) place and watched it. She won $6,800, which is pretty nice for an afternoons work in my book! Then I had this weird dream that my friend Anna was pregnant and I went to the 'hospital' with her when she went into labour. But it wasn't a hospital we went to, it was the top floor of MYER in Northland (local shopping centre). And apparently that's what you do. It was so odd! Then I had this dream I was in Germany and I'd been there for a couple of months and I'd just forgotten to tell my friend who lives in Germany (Julia) that I was there. My brain likes to do weird things while I sleep. What are the significance of dreams? I did a bit of dream interpretation theroy study in year 12 Psychology (many years ago now) and yeah, it's just weird. Who wants to interpret these for me?


  1. Anonymous said...
    well, i don't have much to say about interpretting dreams, but about the deal or no deal thing, i thought i saw kelly on a promo!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Yeah! I saw her on a promo last week! How exciting!
    Anonymous said...
    Maybe it is a vision of the future ( like in Minority Report only less Tom Cruise) Maybe you are a SEER. Sarah WILL one day give birth on level:5 Myers Northland in the Manchester Department. You will find yourself in Germany and meet a friend you didn't tell beforehand. Dreams are weird like that. I've dreamt of people I haven't seen for ages and lo and behold, seen them a few days later. Isn't it also wierd the unusual places we meet up with friends unexpectedly? You have nice friends, ludicrosity! May all your primroses come true and your ducks return at sundown.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Are you Matt Baker? Hmmm. And it was Anna who was pregnant in my dream, not Sarah.

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