Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Ok, latest celebrity crush? Jamie Cullum. Damn that man can play! I wish I could play the piano like him. I bought his live dvd yesterday and words cannot express how impressed I am. I adore his voice, and his music is brilliant. I love his arrangements of songs already written, and the stuff he writes himself blows me away. I bought his latest album last week and it's brilliant! I haven't stopped listening to it since I bought it! I'd do anything to go see him live, but I can't see any plan on his website to come to Oz any time soon. :( Jamie, come to Australia!
EDIT: I've just looked through the archives of Jenny's blog and have realised that Jamie was in Australia in April! I have no idea how I missed this opportunity to see him live!!! It seems that I even commented on Jenny's blog about it. What the?! I'm so sad now!
Odd thing... I was in a somewhat too-hip-for-me salon getting my hair done, and they were playing twentysomething. I asked about the music, and that's how I was turned onto Jamie Cullum. I never do that. But I'm glad I did!