Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Just wanted to share with you about Urban Seed. They are an amazing missional group in the heart of Melbourne. I have been looking into them and I'm really excited about what they're doing! They work with the homeless of Melbourne and really do amazing things in providing for their needs and meeting them where they are at. It sounds so full on and intense. There are live in residents that choose to live an 'interruptable lifestyle' where people can buzz in at any time of day or night if they need anything. They also work with lots of drug adicts. I can't do them justice, but I strongly advise you do look at their website and see for yourself what they are doing. They are really trying hard to make a difference in the unseen community of the Melbourne CBD. In our small group tonight we were talking about homelessness in our city and our response to it, and we are planning on getting along to see what Urban Seed are doing. I'm so excited about this! I really want to make a difference in my society!
This is their mission statement:
Urban Seed aims to respond with love and concern - to be good neighbours- to those we find in our Melbourne city neighbourhood. This theology of 'neighbourliness ' with a special priority for the marginalised underpins our mission.
looking forward to Urban Seed too.