Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Save Darfur!

Hey guys. KK sent me to a great website where you can lobby the American government to stop the geoncide in Chad. I've sent off an email, it'd be great if everyone coudl do the same and pass it on to everyone you know. The more peopel write in the more affect it will have!

Save Darfur!

Keep up the great discussion!

I just sent this to everyone I know. Feel free to do the same. Let's raise awareness so we can do something about it!

We don't hear anything about the genocide going on in Chad at the moment, the media don't cover it and the world is not stepping in to help. President Bush once wrote in the margins of a report on the Rwandan genocide, "Not on my watch.", yet it is happening again. We need to do something about this! We can write it to the American goverment with a plea to help these people escape their situation. Go here:

Tell everyone you know. The more people write in, the more of a difference we will make! Let's care for our fellow man, I don't want to be numb to this kind of stuff, and I hope you don't either. Love,


P.S. To follow an interesting discussion on social justice go to my blog:


  1. Luke said...
    I'm on it! *gets a mailin'*
    Soldier of Truth said...
    done and done!
    Soldier of Truth said...
    by the way a cult is exactley what Christians have been called for over two thousand years by devout Jews who think that they have it right because of the Law.

    if we keep fighting and insulting each other then it is probably better for those who are seeking to go somewhere else.

    i believe we as Christians need to get off our butts and into the justice arena, i am also an advocate of being ready and able to give an answer for my faith WHEN IT IS ASKED FOR. if we dont do both then our faith IS meaningless (skim read James for a fuller picture).

    i applaud dboy for his heart for his kids... but what will happen once they have left his gentle tutorlige???
    Ludicrousity said...
    As i said in another thread, we are the ones who separate 'witnessing' and social justice, not GOd. They should be on eand the same thing. Dont' we witness about God's love by advocating for aothers and helping them, and if we speak but dont' act, aren't our words empty and lose impact?
    Glen O'Brien said...
    I signed the Darfur petition a while back. I think it's great that it was a movie (Hotel Rwanda) that sparked off all of this fruitful discussion and action. I would recommend "Lord of War" as another thought provoking film of global concern. To learn that the member nations of the UN Security Council, including the US, are at the same time the largest global weapons exporters was a real eye opener! We live in an insane world. Christians are not the only ones with a voice for sanity but we certaily should be among them.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Well said Glen. It's crazy how we create problems, then do nothing about the consequences we create for ourselves.
    wire said...
    i just caught up on all the reading (don't tell my boss)and i really enjoyed reading through the debate/discussion.

    the last thing i read that piqued my interest was: "Tell me how you belong to the Kingdom without embracing God's heart for Justice. What are we converted to, other than the personalised gnosticism that goes for white middle class faith of post-modernity?"

    it's like buzz-words galore in there.

    my personal answer (does this make me post modernist? maybe i should have said opinion) is that a lot of this comes down to how we understand the terms we are using, eg. if by "belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven" you mean "salvation" then how we behave is not a prerequisite for forgiveness (my friend the theif on the cross agrees with me). but, if you mean "living as Jesus desires/commanded us to" then how we behave becomes very important because it is the outworking of our faith and, as they say, the proof is in the pudding.

    when a person is saved they become part of the Kingdom of God - they cannot lose that but 1 john 2 talks about people who have turned their backs on God as "having never belonged to us anyway." we can never tell in this life which side of the fence people will fall, action or no action. we are responsible and accountable to God alone, if we can satisfy Him then who is anyone else to put additional requirements on us (ala the pharasees). and now i've gone and condemned myself with my own words.

    i'm not sure how gnosticism or being white came into all this (i am neither, though i am middle class) but with our faith all things we do must come out of a genuine and honest measure of our love for God (and again i condemn myself) and from that "social justice" will cease to be a segregated function but be something we view as part of the totality of life. We will call it love.
    Anonymous said...
    That's a great story. Waiting for more. »

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