Monday, July 18, 2005

Public Perception

Do you ever feel like you're not communicating yourself properly? Sometimes I feel like I am just so much more than people know. I know that's true of everyone, but some days I feel it more than other days. There is so much I want to do, and so much I want to be. There are so many dreams I have. But converting that into reality is a rather difficult task at times. I want to show people my potential and what is in my heart. I'm sick of living a half existance where what people see (not all the time, but too much of the time in my opinion) is pretense or a mask or something. Why are we so afraid to just let go and live life? It's not like we get multiple tries at it. I get sick of having to ask myself the same questions all the time. I just want to be able to sit back and breathe. I want to choose what I want in life and how I behave. I don't want to let circumstance and emotion drive me. This is something I have been consciously working on over the last few years, being the person I really want to be, not just who it's easy to be. But it's still so easy to be lazy with how I live. I do things I don't want to do, and I don't do things I want to do. I can relate to Paul in the bible when he says 'The good I want to do, that I don't do. But the bad I don't want to do, that I keep on doing.'. I feel frustrated and slightly trapped today.


  1. Ludicrousity said...
    It's not so much of a search, as a realisation of how to express myself and reach my full potential. I want to make sure I am expressing to others what I really mean, rather than just what they see. Thanks for the words Laura.
    Anonymous said...
    Hey Laura! What you doing on Tink's (Ludicrousity's) site!
    Hi! Luddy! You have heaps of potential and are using it brilliantly!!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Thanks revhead. It's always nice to be encouraged.
    Dboy said...
    No, I think Megan was right the first time. Get off your butt and be the bestest ever! Or else you're crap!

    Just kidding. Megan, you are doing really, really well. You're an absolute champ of a person, and you fill my life with internet gladness :)

    Have you tried surrendering your expectations of yourself to God? Maybe you're feeling unsuccessful because you're holding on too tight, or maybe they're the wrong expectations in the first place? I hate self-enforced guilt. Hate it hate it hate it. It is a waste of time, and it eats at too much of who we are. Repentance is one thing, but guilt that comes from yourself is just wrong (or the devil!).
    Anonymous said...
    Megan, u are amazing and i love u to death, u have done so much for people by just being you! U may never reach your full potential... how many people do u know that actually have? there are always ways u can improve on yourself no matter what. Besides as long as u keep striving to be the best u can be, how can u fail?

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