Friday, June 03, 2005


I was chatting to Ingrid today while we were jamming. But before I get into that she has a blog now!!! How very exciting!!! Ingi is the other half of my acoustic duo. Here is her blog! Check it out! I feature in her first blog! OH YEAH!

  • Ingi's Blog

  • Anyway, back to what Ingi and I were talking about today. It seems that blogging is quite a different form of communication. I mean, when I'm with my friends, I would never talk like this, I'm not going to sit down with my friends and go on some monologue rant. The more I think about it, the more I think this is a facinating method of communication. This way people get to see what my inner monologue might look like at times. I would never talk this way. Obviously this blog is censored and I don't just say everthing that's on my mind (that's what my journal is for). But I do think it's a different method to let people know what I'm thinking without having to make them sit and listen to me speak my inner monologue.


    1. Anonymous said...
      Awwwwwe arent u cute... theres an inner monolouge in all of us...
      Anonymous said...
      It's a growing thing for a reason. I posted this message on the long ramble about religion but i think I was a little late for it so I'm going to insert it here as well.
      *(I read Revalations, Amos, and Geneses today. Geneses is a record of events and the providence of primative explanasions. Amos is a lesson about justice that I think many people should read. Revalations is difficled to interprate becaus eit requires so much context, but that doesn't stop it from being inspireing. I have read the Bible almost cover to cover, I have observed at length the religiouse situation in society today, I have learnt, studied and resurched extensively everthing from elolution to particel physics, I have seen the churches and the way they work and what they are doing to the world and what they have always done to it, and I believe. I have seen nothing that tells me that God isn't there, and that he doesn't love us in a way that we can never understand. Organised religion has done a lot of damage I agree, but we as humans can only worship the way we have been tought to. It is only natural that we get it wrong. I love art and don't believe that Starry Night could not have been created if it wasn't God's will. He chooses who goes crazzy and cuts there ears off and who doesn't. The churches arn't as solid a there foundation the rock, otherwise they would not have split up in the book of Acts. Not all of the Bible should be followed letter by letter, technicly then we're not alowed to wear clothing made from more then one fabric. True Christianity I believe is not a religion, it's a ralationship with Jesus Christ our Lord.)*
      Bowen said...
      *Breaks the mood by drinking a glass of milk through his nose.*
      Ludicrousity said...
      Bowen what did I tell you about drining powdered milk through your nose?! Always make sure you are alone so there is no one around to save you when it goes horribly wrong. I mean, I love you.
      Ludicrousity said...
      So it's still Friday where you are eh? Well we've always been move advanced than you, so I guess this just follows in the same pattern. :P
      Anonymous said...
      Hey, when's Independence Day (notice how that sounds like underpants day?)

      Isn't that the 4th of something?

      I bet it's not ACTUALLY his dad's birthday!

      BAP is out the front running up the flag, saluting the flagpole; burning his neighbour's liberal books, marching up and down with his heart on his hand, invading Albania, electing some pro-wrestler to public office and memorising the bible, whilst stocking up on high velocity bullets for his arsnel of legally owned weapons!!
      Happy underpants day, BAP
      Ludicrousity said...
      I think underpants day is on July 4th.
      Anonymous said...
      Oops, july 4, sorry, missed by a month.
      well i hpe your dad liked the birthday cake.


      Re-watch 'Wag the Dog' and you'll get the reference!
      That was so good a movie, and it was weirdly prophetc given it was pre 9/11 (is weirdly a word)
      Ludicrousity said...
      I'm pretty sure it is, but then again half of my vocabulary is made up, so I can't tell the difference anymore. Snorg?
      Anonymous said...
      Thanks. Me like snorg good.

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