Monday, May 28, 2007

New Job!

I started my new job today. I haven't actually told many people I have a new job. I got it on Thursday and I started today. It's at the same place my mum works. She got me the job. Isn't she wonderful? They like her so much that they gave me the job sight unseen! Being her daughter was enough for them! I hope I live up to the expectations! My mum does have a great work ethic. The job is kind of boring (office admin, mostly data entry), but the people are nice. I am working there 3.5 days a week, so about 30 hours. I'm now earning more money than I've ever earned in my life! I can't believe it. So my week now looks like this:

Monday morn - lifeguard
Monday arvo - On Q (the name of the place I'm working now)
Tues - On Q
Wed - On Q
Thurs - On Q
Fri - Uni

So now my week is full! Bit of a change for me. I've had to give a couple of things up for this, but I think I need it. I'm so over being poor, and I need to have some savings! Currently I have only a couple of hundred dollars in my savings account, and I always end up spending that on my car. Then I have all the night time things I do. I think I'll be a bit busy, but not too busy. I'll just need to learn to manage my time better. I'm not good at that. Never had been. I'll report back in a week or so on this and let you know how I'm doing.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Woot, congrats on getting a new job. Your mum is great, getting you the job!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Nice disguise Guru...
    Luke said...
    Uh, that wasn't me. I only just read your post now. Honest.

    Anyways, congrats on the job! However, I can't help but point out you'll also be getting a Light FM job soon. Will you have ANY free time anymore?!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Anonymous said...
    yeah, no disguise as guru, it is me, Richface.
    looking forwards to hearing about the job.
    No more free time... does that mean a cut back in blogging??
    Ludicrousity said...
    Luke said...
    *seriously doesn't know if it's even possible to juggle three jobs like this and not have something get lost in the process*
    Dboy said...
    Maybe one's marbles. I still can't find mine, and I had some rippers back in Grade 3...

    Congrats Megan!
    wire said...
    or underpants... i haven't been able to find mine for months. Literally. I think i'm getting a rash.

    Congrats on the new rash!

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