Thursday, November 23, 2006

What Can We Do?

Well I've talked a lot about justice and compassion, but what can we actually do short of moving to Africa? Hopefully I can give you some practical ideas of how to move forward with these massive ideas of global justice and compassion for all peoples.

Check this out. Arguably The World's Most Useful Gift Catalogue. We all have so much. I certainly don't need anything, but there are many things I want. I assume most of us are in the same boat. Instead of filling our lives with more 'stuff', what about giving to someone this Christmas who really needs, instead of giving superfluous things to people around us. Check it out.

Check out this site: Make Poverty History. You can sign the pledge to do your bit. Wear a white band, raise awareness. It's a great conversation starter with people. Read up on the website about things you can do to help. Send emails to politicians. Most of the time they draft them for you. You can cut and paste the email and send it in to have your voice heard.

If you're a Christian, check out this site: Micah Challenge. They are a sister organisation to MPH, but a Christian one. They talk a lot about how all of this relates to the Bible and that it is not a secular movement. Pray about these issues. Raise awareness in your churches and call for action.

Oxfam Australia do some wonderful things too. Check out their site to see how you can be invovled.

There are things like emailing Peter Costello, sending a Christmas card to John Howard, signing the online pledges with MPH and MC, subscribe to email updates to keep informed, run a TEAR stall to sell those gifts for others, buy things that support fair trade, be informed about the products you buy, don't support those who explot those in other countries.

There are so many practical things you can do. But most importantly, educate yourself. Find out what is going on in the world and figure out how you fit into that. Obviously we can't do everything, but if everyone does something we will make a difference.


  1. Anonymous said...
    This is good stuff mate, all worth supporting if I say so my self
    Ludicrousity said...
    You can find it on the oxfam website. Or just google it.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Here it is:

    All one line of course.

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