Monday, November 13, 2006

Waiting On The World To Change

Gotta love John Mayer! I adore his music. He is a real musician. This is him on Rove live a couple of weeks ago. So good!

Plus he has great hair these days...

Yes, I have discovered YouTube, and I am addicted!


  1. Martin Boutros said...
    Mr too - but i have mixed feelings about WOTWTC.

    Do we have to 'wait'? is it hopeless? is it a cop out or is he being realistic?
    Ludicrousity said...
    I don't agree with having to wait, but I see that the song is a reflection of how a lot of gen x/y feel about their power.
    Luke said...
    I just get mad when people keep blaming the "government" or "corperations" for the world's problems. The problem starts with us, the way we treat each other in every day life. The harmful, ignorant actions we perform every day and pretend like it's alright, the pathetic justifications we make for commiting crimes against our fellow man.

    That wasn't necessarily realted to the song. I'm just mad in general. :P
    Ludicrousity said...
    I'll say! :P

    While I agree to a certain extent I think there is room for both. Governments are responsible for the state of affairs when they are in charge. And it is right to lobby them for change adn for them to take responsibility. However, there is no point in bitching about it if you're going to sit on your butt and do nothing to help solve the problem, even in a small way.
    Luke said...
    Yeah! Take that John Mayer! :P

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