Thursday, February 02, 2006

Getting Cultured

One of my new years resolutions was to take advatage of the things that Melbourne has to offer. I think I've done pretty well for the month of January. And last night I went to the Sidney Myer Music Bowl to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. The soloist that played with them last night was a pianist by the name of Hoang Pham, born in Vietnam now living in New York, via Australia, and the conductor was Pietari Inkinen from Finnland. They performed Rachmaninov's Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini. Oh how I love Rachmaninov! It was such a great night. The MSO played for about 2 hours. The rest of the pieces were other orchestral pieces from dvorak, vivaldi and I'm not sure about the last one. It wasn't the most pleasant weather for it, but I plan to go back next week, and hopefully it will be a bit nicer then. I just really enjoy good music, and the MSO are world class. It has inspired me to get my violin back out! This is Hoang Pham taking a bow after his dazzling performance. If only I could play like him...

And this is the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra after their performance, while we were all getting sore hands from clapping for so long. They even did an encore! I didn't realise orchestras did encores! What a night of amazing music!


  1. Ludicrousity said...
    You should come next week. We can finally meet!
    Luke said...
    Sounds awesome! But personally I'm looking forward to that one in July where they're playing all film scores. Whoo!!

    Nothing like getting a bit of culture...
    Ludicrousity said...
    You? Cultured? Puh! Don't make me giggle! :P
    Dboy said...
    Hahaha... "I like the one with only film scores! I am cultured! Them have sense not together!"
    Mutt said...
    Danny, you make me laugh out loud much.

    Good job getting cultured. Actually... I have a funny culture story.

    While my brother was at school today, in English as a class everyone had to write who their favourite singer was. My brother didn't even know any, so he put down a composer, Shokastovich, which if you know my brother makes sense.

    When he read his out a girl from across the room inexplicably yelled out "It's so totally not! I know what he listens to!"

    To which my brother replied "Who are you?" (My brother doesn't really talk to girls)

    I don't think she could understand how anyone would listen to classical music.

    As far as Rachmaninov goes, I never get past Flight of the Bumblebee, does it for me every time.

    Film scores Guru? You must convince me to accompany you to that.
    Ludicrousity said...
    It costs a bit of money, but so worth it. I plan to go to see the MSO at the end of March, they're doing more Rachmaninov!!!
    Ludicrousity said...
    By the way, super funny story KK!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Nice work! That'd be so nice!
    Martin Boutros said...
    How is chippy these days? didn't disappear down a tuba did he?

    Actually KK's brother, aka son or nun, has always been a classical music junkie - Shostakovitch and crew - where did his parents go wrong?

    *hangs head in shame*
    don't call me MA'AM said...
    Rachmaninoff's Concerto No. 2 is one of my favorites. Actually, I just love everything that is Rachmaninoff.

    You go, girl. Keep it up with that culture.

    *thought Flight of the Bumblebee was Rimsky-Korsakov"
    Ludicrousity said...
    I love the Rach 3! It's probably my favourite piece ever! I can play the first 8 bars of it. GO ME!!! Ok, so they are incredibly simple, but that's not the point!

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