Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Feuding With The Family

So I plan to be feuding with other families soon! Guru & I are going to be in the audience for the tv game show 'Family Feud' this Friday afternoon (not sure when it goes to air). They'll be taping 2 episodes, and we're going with the view of being a family on the show eventually. Whoo! We'll be famous and win many prizes! That's the plan anyway. Bring on the free stuff!!!


  1. Anonymous said...
    Can you bring me a snippet of Larry Edmur's hair? I need it for an experiment
    Brie said...
    oooh free stuff
    Ludicrousity said...
    Only if it's a voodoo experiment Ratty.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Oh wait, Bert Newton is hosting is now.
    Luke said...
    I forget, how do you actually get on the show?
    Ludicrousity said...
    I emailed them and asked for tickets, got them, and they sent me a letter about it.
    Luke said...
    No, I mean how d you become contestants?
    Brie said...
    is it like the price is right? cos you just have to look enthusiastic to get on that
    Ludicrousity said...
    They give out those details once you are in the studio audience, that's why we're going.
    don't call me MA'AM said...
    Yeah, I think if you act really loony, you might get on the show. They don't ever pick the calm, quiet types. If you scream, giggle, and jump around a lot... they'll pick you for sure!
    Anonymous said...
    I wasn't referring to the show, just wanted to know if you could get me some of Larry's precious DNA.

    If you must know, I'm creating an army of horribly mutated larry's. Like in Aliens 4. They will continously say "Kiiill Meee". So voodoo, playing god...you know, up that alley.

    Have fun on the show too :)
    wire said...
    loony? crazy? jump around a lot? funny voices? getting on the show will be easy, just be yourselves (only slightly more normal)
    Ludicrousity said...
    Good call Wire. I think if we acted normal they'd haul us away.
    Rob said...
    apparently, with the price is right, they ask you how you'd react if you called down, and if it's not crazy enough they won't pick you.

    so basically, if you want to be on the show, you have to act like a moron and wave your arms and scream and generally be an idiot.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Shouldn't be a problem! :P
    Litha said...
    Now that Larry is doing wheel of fortune on a different network, I don't think there is as much chance of being on the Price is Right as before. My friend was on TPIR (he won a jet ski) and he thinks he got to "come on down" because he told them that his friends all say he looks like Larry

    Re your post Megan, will your parents agree to be on the show? I'd love to do it but don't think my family would go for it
    Ludicrousity said...
    I already spoke to them about it and they seemed on board! They weren't as enthusiastic as I was, but they said they'd do it. WHOO!!!
    don't call me MA'AM said...
    Now I just have to figure out how to watch this show, since I'm not in the land of Oz.

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