Just What's A Canker Sore
9 years ago
I might contradict myself but at least I don't contradict myself
Oh I'm so excited! My friend Amy got engaged a little while ago, and she's getting married on May 13th. And she has asked me to be a bridesmaid! WHOO!!! I'm so excited!!! Here is me and Amy from when she visited last month.
I'm going to 5 weddings this year! One in February (on Saturday actually), one in March, one in May, one in September and one in December. Love is in the air!
We're going to extend your name back to TINKERBELLE.
Can you imagine the serious amount of shoe shopping you are going to get into - to just name one symptom.
If I need any help, I'll come see you KK. Be waiting for my call.
I'm not sure how many weddings I've been to all up. I'll try to count. Maybe 11? I may be forgetting some though.
Have you ever caught the bouqet, Tink?
he he, king kohl.... they think you're joking, he he!!
aha at my brothers wedding it was SOO funny because there were all these girls forced to stand for it. no one went for the boquet EXCEPT 2 and they fought like death for it!! bahahahaa
memo to self.