Friday, February 03, 2006

New Role

Last night I had my first meeting for my new role in my Church. I go to Eltham Baptist Church and I have been asked to be involved in the youth ministry this year. At first I was asked to be a youth leader, and I was going to do that, but then I was asked to take on a different role. Along with Danny, Chrystal and Brent, I will be helping to look after the needs of the youth leaders themselves. The way it works is the youth stuff all happens between 5pm and 9pm on Sundays, and then the leaders get together on Tuesday nights for pastoral care, bible study, debrief, fellowship, fun, whatever they need. So the leaders will be split into two groups, one lead by Danny & Chrystal, and the other lead by Brent & myself.

I'm really looking forward to this new role. I haven't done anything quite like this before. I think it will be a very challenging time for me. It will help me grow in all sorts of ways! I also think it's going to be a great to time get to know a whole bunch of people from my church a whole lot better. Not to mention a whole lot of fun!

Judging by our meeting last night, we will be spending about 15 minutes all together, then spending the majority of our time on a Tuesday in our small groups. This is a big responsibility which I'm all up for! I'm sure that with God we can make it work the way He wants it to. It's all a bit up in the air at the moment, seeing as Tuesday nights have never taken this exact format before, but it's exciting. It looks like we will be doing all sorts of things from listening to each other, to praying, to bible study, to learning new skills, to just chatting, to getting to know each other better, to whatever you can think of that would be beneficial to everyone. I can't wait to see what God is going to do through us all this year!


  1. don't call me MA'AM said...
    ... and I'm confident that you are up to the challenge of this new role. Yay you!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Thanks Ma'am!
    wire said...
    man, stuck with Brent? that's gonna suck bigtime!
    Luke said...
    Ha ha. Hey, Brent's back! :D

    And that sounds awesome Sis. Can't wait to see you do imaginably awesome things that will change the world forever. [/pressure] :P
    Ludicrousity said...
    It'd be the perfect position if not for the fact that I had to work with Brent... But I'll get through it somehow. Sigh...
    Anonymous said...
    Are you kidding??????

    Where's the DSS when you need it? Help!! social workers with warrants needed!

    I mean imagine: Doby, Mrs Dboy, Wire, and Tink leading vulnerable. impressionablr young minds? Not!!!

    I suppose Peebody and Chicken will be leading the liturgical tattoing and Warhammer sessions.

    At least wierdos like Guru and Kohl aren't anywhere near these poor kids!

    What sort of church is this? A Cult???

    You wouldn't catch me sending my kids to this!! ( If I had any of course)

    By the way, things are going well here at the convent in Tasmania. Three Tasmanian Devils came thru last week and are now little tassie Cherubs!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Look Wanda, we are free to practice out cultish ways any way we choose. So you had just better watch yourself, or you and your fellow sisters may end up in a tragic accident... Involving tattoos and warmhammer pieces. And then we'll teach out impressionable young people about the evils of Tasmanian convents.
    Anonymous said...
    Nothing worse than an orc up one's left nostril!

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