Monday, September 18, 2006

Shake It Up Baby!

So it seems that I have no discipline. I suck at trying to eat healthy and exercise on my own. I can keep it up for a while, but I never stick to it. So I'm doing a new diet plan thing. It's run through Terry White Pharmacy. Yes, this means I have to pay for it, but it'll be worth it. I sick of feeling terrible about the way I look, so I'm doing something about it. I have to drink these shakes instead of two meals a day. I have to drink a minimum of 2 litres of water a day and eat a minimum of 3 cups of vegetables, and eat 2 pieces of fruit. Then I have to have protein for one meal the size of my palm. I think it'll be ok. I'll just have to be really strict and stick to it. Yay for me!


  1. Anonymous said...
    i heard you on the podcast for hamish and andy! go you! i always wondered what sort of people call up radio shows... now i know ;-) good luck with the weightloss... my idea of dieting is skinny latte's and not having the fries with a burger - will you be appearing on any weight loss ads anytime soon?
    Ludicrousity said...
    Haha! I doubt it!

    I made the podcast! WHoo!!! I'll have to download it!!!
    Litha said...
    I'd be interested to see how you find Terry's diet. Are the drinks supplemented so you get enough vitamins and minerals? What percent carbs/fat/protien are they? Do they taste good?
    Zebe said...
    ahaha im starting to eat healthy too... everyone keeps telling me i shouldnt, etc.. just because they think im doing it to lose weight..

    good luck. i'll stick to it if you do.
    Anonymous said...
    Hey good luck with the health kick.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Yay for everyone being so positive!

    Lis, I don't know the exact percents. It's a low carb low GI diet. The shakes taste really good actually. I didn't think they would. And they are full of vitamins and minerals and stuff. I can show you a packet if you like.
    Litha said...
    I would love that.

    Also I just heard you talking to H&A. When you first said "Ox-ercise" images of oxen popped into my head and I got pretty confused, but your explanation sorted me right out!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Haha! I'm so excited I made the podcast. I wish there was an exercise routine involving oxen. Might be difficult in the city... :)
    Anonymous said...
    I dispise diet food.

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