Thursday, April 06, 2006

Get Well Soon!

My friend Rob (The one who just got married to Anna) is in hospital at the moment. Ben & I went and visited him yesterday. Rob has diabetes and it was playing up and making him vomit lots, so he was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. He's ok now, but they're keeping him in there until tomorrow just to make sure he stays ok. GET WELL SOON ROB!!!!

I had afternoon tea with my Nanna yesterday. I love my Nanna. It's been a hard adjustment for her, with Pa dying and getting sick, but she's doing much better. Love my Nanna!

As for me, I'm feeling a bit flat. I'm not unhappy or anything, I just feel like I am transitioning into something, but I'm actually not. I feel in-between things, but I'm not sure what I'm in-between. It's a bit weird.

Check out Joshua Radin. One of my favourite artists at the moment. This guy has such amazing music!

Oh, and I have a new photo! Although it does make my face look really long and kinda odd...


  1. Ludicrousity said...
    Not sure, but he was pretty sick!
    Litha said...
    Not necessarily. Diabetes is an aggresive disease that is not as simple as giving yourself a dose of insulin. I can't to claim to know much about it, expecially type 1, but it has many, many side effects that are out of the inflicted persons control.

    For example, Adults with diabetes have heart disease death rates about 2 to 4 times higher than adults without diabetes, and the risk for stroke is 2 to 4 times higher and the risk of death from stroke is 2.8 times higher among people with diabetes (that is from the American diabetes association site) There are loads of other complications, I don't think that being sick can only result from him mismanaging it.
    (More info:

    But of course it could be. But he's had it for ages, and I would think that he'd know how to handle himself

    And I also hope he doesn't read this and worry about heart disease/stroke. And I hope he is back home and healthy in time for his lovely wife's birthday
    The Heir said...
    Hey Megan,
    thought id return the comment, remember meeting you a couple of times in Taz. Wat are you up to now? Will pass on the hello to Timbo!
    Litha said...
    Well you would be the expert then.

    It is probably more so when you're older that you can't prevent some the side effects, like blindness and stuff.

    I'm just constantly told by my teachers about how agressive it is, etc, but generally type 2, as its onset is influenced by diet and lifestyleand blah blah blah
    Rob said...
    Like peebody, I'm diabetic. My feeling is that you're joking about high sugar levels being good, Adri9n, but just in case you're not:

    Complications of long-term high sugar levels include:

    Kidney failure
    Heart disease
    Limb amputation

    just to name a few...
    Ludicrousity said...
    Rob actually does manage his diabetes quite well, but he had this happen to him about 3 years ago. They cant' seem to find the trigger, but he can just get super sick for no apparent reason some times. It's not mismanagement on his part. He's had it for a long time, and is generally very good at managing it.
    Ludicrousity said...
    YOu beat me to it adrian! You're a crack up!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Just so you know, Adrian likes to be obscure and annoying, he knows what's going on. He's just trying to make it look like he doesn't. And what a convincing job he did! :)
    wire said...
    hmmm, i sense Zach Braff's influence over your choice of music...
    Anonymous said...
    Oooh blog brawl...

    Poor Rob, is he ok? And is Anna still having a party?

    Doesn't matter right now why he got sick, what matters is he was sick and we wish him well.

    Ludicrousity said...
    Anna's party is still on. Rob came home today. he should be fine now.

    Love Zach Braff, and his taste in music!!!
    Luke said...
    Ludi is the feamle Zach Braff minus the physical comedy.

    Actually, lemmie test that theory. *throws a melon at Ludi*
    Ludicrousity said...
    I can work on the physical comedy! I can do the sarcasm thing and the insanity quite well. The drifitng off into my head thing I think I can pull off too. Sandwhich.

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