Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Fun Vs Immature

I was thinking the other day about the difference between knowing how to have fun, and being immature. I think far too often we can confuse the two. I really value being able to relax and have fun. I love to be really silly sometimes! Wait, I take that back. I'm never silly... no... never... Anywho, I wonder how much room we give ourselves to let loose and just have fun. How often do we let down our guard and relax? I wonder how often we think we relax, when we still have our guard up. Perhaps we are so used to being guarded that we don't know how to pull down the barriers. I want to live a life that's full of fun. How often do you do something spontaneous just for the sake of it? Immaturity seems to me to be more about being inappropriate, or doing something that negatively impacts on another, rather than just cutting loose. I think our world would be a much nicer place if we would all pull down our self-created barriers once in a while, and just have fun together.

How awesome is this?!


  1. Litha said...
    Have you blogged about this before? It is stirring a memory
    Ludicrousity said...
    I don't remember blogging about it before, but that doesn't mean I haven't...
    Dboy said...
    I like that comment on the criteria of immaturity - I think immaturity has a lot to do with social conscience.
    Zebe said...
    1stly: heheheheheheeheheheheheeeee

    i rekon immaturity is alot to do with inaproprateness. and i hate that i cant take down my barrier. i have a barrier up with everyone. [yes aimless, crazyness, jill.. you guys especially]
    and its only recently ive been able to pull it down. and thats only because he's proven himself to me oh-so-many times.
    Litha said...
    ok so I did a scan through the archives and I think I was reminded of your post on sillyness.


    What a loyal reader I must be!
    Ludicrousity said...
    Hey Robi. Nice to have you around! :)

    Lisa, I checked it out, and you're kind of right. I did do a post on silliness, but it wasn't quite the same angle as I'm coming from here. But yay for you and your super loyalty!
    don't call me MA'AM said...
    I tend to be too serious most of the time (my kids tell me I'm the "fun-sucker" when I get that way)... but I feel like I've always been the old soul. Sometimes, I'm able to let loose and just go silly. I might try a little of that when I go to Chicago tomorrow.
    Ludicrousity said...
    I think being silly is a great release. It can releaase tension and help us get in touch with our inner child. I think it's sad when we lose the ability to indulge in a bit of silliness. I think it's a great part of being human. I don't think anyone should be expected to be serious, or uptight all the time, letting loose is healthy. As long as it's done in a non-destructive way. Some people can use that as an excuse to do dumb stuff. But being silly isn't the same as being stupid.
    wire said...
    ludi - you wanted to see my wallpaper?


    i'll update there periodically - 16 downloads - woot!
    wire said...
    re: Fun v Immaturity

    i totally agree - too often we miss out on stuff that is purely fun, especially if it involves putting down our sophisticated pride and maybe risk looking silly in front of others.

    and in case you are wondering: bumping in go-karts = fun. bumping other cars on the freeway = just plain immature.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Haha! Thanks for that clarification!!! I agree. It can often be a matter of pride, are we willign to risk lookign silly? I would bet that most people would want to do what you're doing, but they lack the courage to let down their guard. perhaps we coudl all set examples for those around us.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Oh, and awesome pic wire! Post more!!! I downloaded it too! :)
    Luke said...
    I refuse to lower my barriers. I require it to survive my space adventures!

    *grabs an empty shopping bag and floats off*
    Ludicrousity said...
    *films the shopping bag*
    Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world that I can't stand it...
    Brie said...
    i wanna shopping bag...
    Mutt said...
    Great website, made me laugh like a... hyena? Breathing laughing gas??


    "Immaturity seems to me to be more about being inappropriate, or doing something that negatively impacts on another, rather than just cutting loose."

    I wouldn't say that, it's more not bothering to differentiate the two.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Ah! Good point! But I guess I was thinking that was the difference in observing behaviour and judging whether it was immature or just silly. But good point Special K!
    Luke said...
    Heh heh, he's special...
    Brie said...
    if he's special k does that mean i can eat him?
    iggi said...
    silly people.

    Hay that's a complement!
    Ludicrousity said...
    You can eat him if you like aimless, but that's called cannibalism, and that's frowned upon in western countries, you may end up in jail... :)
    HoneyBee said...
    aw nothin wrong with eatin peoples... But i dont imagin peoples would taist very wrong and wierd coz of the though would put me off...
    Anyway that sight is funny...
    and it is not easy to letdown those barriers...
    Soldier of Truth said...
    being silly is part of the american dream. *recognises that he has brought into the george w scam and cries*

    their is a fine line that i walk all the time, mostly on the other side. people just get offended to easily.

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