Wednesday, January 04, 2006
As I promised Emma, here is a report and some photos from new years. Although they are dodgy ones I took with my phone, other digital ones are yet to come!
Amy & I went down to Sorrento on the 30th to hang out with Alison and Kathryn. Kathryn has a holiday house down there. We had an awesome time at the beach and walking lots and lots. Then on the 31st we drove across to Philip Island where we joined some others for a great new years. There were 13 of us there at Grant's holiday house, awesome time was had by all! Lots of going to the beach, drinking a bit, playing cards, and just general merriment. It was a great way to see in the new year. Yay for 2006!This one was taken in the car on the way to Sorrento, as you can see, we had Marty Moose with us! We just couldn't leave him home!
This one is Amy & Kathryn in the back of Anna's car on new years day.
This is a dodgy photo of Emma and Anesti just after midnight. As you can see, my phone takes terrible photos without proper lighting! See hte orange glow stick Anesti has behind his ear? Some girl from next door handed out heaps of glow sticks to us all. How fun!
Here is Amy & Marty having lots of new years fun!
Oh, and Revhead finally got a blog! WHOO!!!
*Does immature dance*
Ma'am I love summer over christmas/new years in Oz!
Do you often take pictures on you phone while driving? Odd how that's legal, but talking on them isn't.