Monday, September 22, 2008

5 Weeks

It's now been 5 weeks since I arrive at Yulara. Things are pretty much as they were. Work is still exhausting, the people are still nice. But I'm feeling like I don't fit in. For starters, I'm about 5 years older than most people. There are a few people my age, but most (where I live at least) are early 20's, still 'finding themselves'. A lot of them basically get as drunk as possible as often as possible. I'm way past all that stuff. I don't mind a few drinks, but I'm not up for getting smashed all the time. I guess I have other priorities and a different respective on life. A lot of people here are very selfish and one outworking of that is that people get things stolen a lot. I do have some friends here that I connect with, but I'm still feeling out of place. I'm not sure I'll stay the full 12 weeks I was intending to stay. I'm not sure I want to spend another 7 weeks in this environment.

Don't get me wrong, it's not terrible, it's just not quite right. There are lots of good things about being here too. I love the weather (I even have a bit of a tan!), the scenery is stunning (see photos), the people are nice (well some of them are!) and it's nice to do something a bit different for a while. I just think I might be ready to come home soon. Maybe I'll come home in a couple of weeks. We'll see. Kate is coming to visit on Sunday. I'm looking forward to a familiar face! We'll play a couple of gigs while we're here which I've set up. That'll be fun! I'm really looking forward to that!

That's about all I've got to report for now. Now for some more photos!

The sunset last night at the oval. So pretty!

Gerrard & I the other night at the res.

Tiff & Maddy spinning around on the oval last night at sunset. Lots of fun!

The hotel I work at at sunset the other night. Lovely!

Card on the head game! I taught Tiff & Maddy the other night. Awesome fun!

Uluru at sunset the other night viewed from a sand dune

Tiff & I with our sexy upside down sunnies!

Tiff on a sand dune at sunset the other night.


  1. Luke said...
    Wow, those sand dunes are so perfectly stunning. You're pretty lucky to be able to lay eyes on that. But it's a shame to hear how you feel concerning the people that are surrounding you.

    On the bright side, they could use a role model of someone who has it together. :P
    Ludicrousity said...
    Yeah well, I like to think I have a small positive influence over some people, but I'm sure they'd rather just continue in that lifestyle until they get over that stage.

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