Sunday, July 27, 2008

Good Or Evil?

I'm feeling conflicted...
I've been watching Dexter...

For those of you that don't know, here is a quick summary of Dexter. The idea behind the story (it's a book turned tv series) was to create a likable serial killer. Seems impossible right? Well not really.

This guy, Dexter, is a blood splatter expert who works for the Miami police. He tracks down serial killers, then, on his own time, kills them. The idea is that he's some sort of weird, disconnected guy who does not experience empathy or sympathy. He has been trained by his (now dead) foster father to fake human connection so as to fit in with society. However, he feels disconnected from everyone and has an urge to hurt and kill. He has managed to channel this urge so that he kills those who 'deserve it'. Very interesting concept.

So is he a good guy that does bad things or a bad guy who does good things?

To me it seems absurd and I totally disagree with everything about it. There is never an excuse for murder. However, I find myself liking Dexter. Even though I disagree with what he does. Conflicting right? Although I'm sure it's just conflicting because it's a 'romanticised' tv show. If it was real I can't see myself being conflicted. I would disagree with Dexter entirely. However in fictional form I find the show, and character of Dexter, intriguing...


  1. Luke said...
    I don't like Dexter. Not because it's a bad show, not at all, but because of the concept behind it.

    I mean, would you be okay if someone wrote a book exploring if they could make rape hilarious?

    There something about romanticizing something so awful that I feel is incredibly dangerous. We have enough crap on tv promoting and glorifying the worst aspects of humanity... do we need any more?
    Glen O'Brien said...
    I feel a little like Film Guru abou Dexter. It seems to cross a line when a serial killer is the protagonsit we are suposed to "root for" (as the Americans say).
    Lance said...
    I've not seen the show, and I'm not a big fan of commenting on things I haven't seen, but I strongly disagree with the concept of Dexter.

    I think it is a very sick society when it has to resort to such a gruesome and shocking topic to be 'entertained'. I think I'll stick to reading...
    Ludicrousity said...
    See I agree with you guys there, however I still find myself enjoying the show. Hence the feeling of conflict! It's disturbing yet intriguing. A protagonist serial killer is a disturbing concept.
    Mutt said...
    It's not conflicting to disagree with what someone does, and still like them.

    God does it all the time.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Good point!

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