Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Public Criticism?

Well, I've had some issues raised this week. Is it ok to publically critisice a person's character? I understand that sometimes it is appropriate to criticise a public fiure in terms of their behaviour (and therefore character) if that person is meant to be representing you/your interests (ie politicians). BUT, is it ok to criticise someone who is simply being themselves? Who does not represent you? I have often come under fire for things that I write on this site, and mostly I find if unecessarily offensive. I would never seek to criticise someone for who they are, unless they are supposed to be representing my interests. I may have opinions on them, but I would not publically state it for the world to see.

I wonder what that's about? How does that benefit anyone? Appropriate constructive criticism (in private) is one thing, but general character assassination? What purpose does that serve? I can't see how that helps anyone. It makes the person in question feel attacked and ridiculed, and it can't benefit the readers in any way, apart from entertainment (which I would argue is not healthy entertainment). So I can't understand why people feel the need to publicalyl attack my character. Or anyone's for that matter.

I heard an interview last week about the internet and its potential evils. One of the problems is that people have anonymous identities that allow them to behave without the restraint that they would normally restrict themselves with. Is it not a good thing that we hold back? Why do we feel that being brutally honest is a good thing? Can we not be honest, whilst still taking into consideration the feelings of others? Why does 'being ourselves' mean that we get to hurt others? Why is that their problem? I would argue that it is in fact our problem. I don't want to be responsible for hurting someone else out of my brutal honesty. I'm sure we can find a way that both serves the other person, and is still truthful.



  1. Rob said...
    As your friend, I also often find it offensive when these "people" write the things they do. I can't help but think it is simply attention seeking by them. In many ways their behaviour is typical of that of an internet 'troll' - intentionally controversial/provocative while contributing nothing positive.

    They only ever appear (and anonymously at that) to stir up negative discussion/arguments, and mysteriously disappear when anyone questions them or their motives.

    My advice is to disregard anything they say and just ignore them. As many online forums suggest, don't feed the trolls.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended by it. It does hurt to hear things like that initially. I think that's a natural reaction. However, I don't take anonymous insults personally. There is no authority behind them, no context for them to hurt me. Given that they don't know me, they can't judge me. I'm not saying that I give their criticism credibility, I'm more facinated with the concept of doing it at all. I'm trying to understand why someone would do that. I tend to think it has more to do with the insulter than the insultee, if you get what I mean. It's an interesting phenomenon that the internet allows for. Anonymous criticism. It's easy to say something critical if you don't have to put your name and face to it, there are no consequences. But there is also no authority to anything you say.
    Rob said...
    Absolutely. YouTube is a good example of that last point. The number of comments on there that are simply insults or abuse is unbelievable. Once again, people don't have to take responsibility for what they write, so they think they can say anything, no matter how offensive/abusive/etc...
    Luke said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Luke said...
    I wouldn't be too bothered. Anyone who posts insults over a blog entry by a person that don't know (that doesn't contain a single remotely offensive thing in the first place) is clearly a jackass who probably has such a hard time making friends in real life that insult strangers on their computer is as close as they get to human contact.

    Oh yes, I went there. *makes kitty clawing gesture*
    Anonymous said...
    I agree with what Rob said, that I find it offensive when some people write the things they do on here, criticising etc. I guess that it's not something I'm used to - like you say, I'd never publicily criticise someone over their character/who they are. I might raise issues about particular actions - but I just don't understand where all these attacks on your blog are coming from!

    I appreciate hearing your opinions, reflections, thoughts.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Great thoughts guys.
    Anonymous said...
    I don't know you. More specifically i don't know you beyond your representation of yourself in cyberspace.
    You don't know me at all.
    Is there much difference in an 'anon' making a comment, and a total stranger leaving a comment under a name (real or pseudo)?

    I don't see a distinction between the two. Particularly when a 'named commenter' may not further identifyable or traceable...

    Personally I really like being able to have multiple avatars. Anonymous included.
    don't call me MA'AM said...
    I agree that it's easy to be "anonymous" and leave venomous responses... if you're an unhappy person who needs to make others feel badly about themselves for your own happiness.

    You, however, ludi, are a kind and gentle spirit. If anyone purposefully comes to your blog to insult you, it's more a reflection on them than anything else. Personally, if I ever happen upon a blog whose opinions I don't share or even dislike, I just move along and don't bother to comment. It's not worth my time to be negative on some stranger's blog.

    I'm glad you express yourself the way you do... that's part of why we blog, yes? :-)
    AK said...
    Best thing is to ignore them or take it as a compliment that people think your so important that they need to attack you

    as for why, basically think they are people just doing it to make themselves feel big, when they are just sad
    Ludicrousity said...
    I am choosing to ignore it. Their criticism is unfounded given that they are assuming my character. I'm more concerned with the concept of doing it in the first place.

    And I'm not sure that criticising them for doing it is helpful either. They are obviously doing it for a reason, even if we deem that reason to be invalid, it is still a reason for them. I am only responsible for what I do with the criticism, and how I respond to it.
    Anonymous said...
    i don't know that's true but by reading your blogs which you put up from public reading i think you are very self absorb person. try to read your blogs as a 3rd person.
    you want pity because you have a job and have to get early, i would love to have a perament job.
    Soldier of Truth said...
    as someone who does know you... and someone who has been accused of character assassination before i think you should listen to some of the anon comments more closely.

    if they are as unfoundeed as you say they are then they are meaningless chaff to be thrown to the wind. if however there is even a minute bit of truth in them then you could see why people wouyld get upset and even poke at your character.

    blogs are public forums not priv ate journals!!! whatever is said here is just as much your character as if you said it over coffee. people will notice the holes and will pick at them.
    Anonymous said...
    ludi, you have a total 'anti-fan' in the antagonising commenter.

    Um, i use my blog as a personal journal and i don't see the problem with doing so.
    Ludicrousity said...
    I never write anything on this blog I am unconfortable sharing with my readers. There are many things I think and feel that I would never write here.

    What I was talking about is why people attack me personally. If there is no provocation I can't see a reason for it (However even if there was provocation I don't think it's a helpful or appropriate response.). I would love for people to engage in debate or discussion about the topics I raise. What I don't appreciate is people attacking my character when I am not asking for personal criticism. I don't think a public forum is ever an appropriate place to do that.

    I understand that this is a public forum and I have no control over what happens, and therefore have no right to complain when people do criticise me, but I think you'll find that I am not whinging about that. I'm more concerned with why that happens in the first place. I am able to manage my response to this.

    If people really wanted to talk to me about issues they thought were relevant for my life then they would do it in a loving, private context which respected me and helped me to grow, not here where everyone can read and seems to humilate me.
    Anonymous said...
    can't you see you are writing about yourself therefore you are going to atract critics, if you want a debate pick a subject and leave self out of it.
    in a reverse way i believe your blogs critices me because of my useless life.
    Ludicrousity said...
    The reason I write about myself is because that is the context in which I experience the world. I feel that if I am to be honest I need to talk about things in terms of how I experience them. Isn't that what makes what I say relevant? That it's part of my life? These aren't some abstract ideas I get from an essay, these are thoughts that arise from life, therefore it seems silly to remove them from my life.

    And I am very sorry blinky if I have somehow made you feel criticised. I certainly didn't intend that. I don't actually know anything about you or your life. I hope you don't feel like you have a useless life. I don't think anyone has a useless life. It annoys me that society places measures of worth on people based on their status. People are valuable simply because they are people and they interact with the world. Everyone has an impact.
    Troy Wheatley said...
    You're a better person than I am. If someone insulted me on my blog, I reckon I would descend into a slanging match, even if it ate up the next fifty posts.

    Personally, I enjoy reading your thoughts, so I think you should keep doing what you're doing.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Thanks Troy. That's nice to hear.
    Ross said...
    What I've found is that people often forget that you can critique a person's opinions without attacking the person who holds them. That's what intelligent discussion is all about. Sadly, that's often hard to find online. I can only encourage you to not be afraid to speak your mind, because you seem to have a lot of worthwhile things to say.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Thanks Ross!

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