Saturday, October 04, 2008
So things here have been good lately. Apart from being totally exhausted from work that is. This is the hardest job I've ever had and the lowest I've ever been paid. Go figure. I'll be leaving in about 3 weeks though. I'll be home at the end of the month. Yay! I'm glad I came up here, but 9.5 weeks is long enough for me! It's getting hotter all the time and the work is just so hard! Did I mention that it's really hard work?!
Kate left yesterday and Olivia left the day before. It was great to see some faces from home. I enjoyed hanging out with them and letting them see where I live and work. Kate & I played a gig at the resident's club here on Wed night. Lots of fun! I've been getting so much positive feedback about it, so that's good! We even got paid for it! Whoo!
That's all from me for now. I'm hanging out for my day off on Tuesday!
Love you to all!
I can't wait to see you Nooni! You too Luke I suppose :P