Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mind, Body, Spirit

On Sunday I headed off to the Mind, Body, Spirit festival with my Mum. Lots of interesting stuff around. I even got my some fisherman pants for $5! Whoo!!! And some super hot chilli sauce. Yummo!

While I don't buy into most of the stuff they had around (and some of it was really out there!) it's interesting to see what is around. In a culture where the new age line of thinking is increasingly popular, I think it's important to be well informed on all the options available to people. If we live in a multi-faith society, shouldn't we know what other faiths/belief systems are out there? I want to be able to engage people in dialogue about spiritual things and if I have no idea where they're coming from, how can I do that? So this was an attempt to understand more of what schools of thought are out there and what kinds of things people believe in. Very interesting.
Did anyone else go?


  1. Anonymous said...
    After going to the conference, what do you now know that you didn't know before? Do you understand more of the kinds of things that people believe in?
    Ludicrousity said...
    A little. Obviously there is only so much you can get from such a huge place in one afternoon. But at least I know a little more of what is out there. There were things there I'd never heard of before.
    Anonymous said...
    I wanted to go, but family commitments. What sort of things did they have their besides fishermans pants and hot sauce?
    Ludicrousity said...
    Stalls on everything you can imagine, plus lots of things you can't imagine! Alternative healing therapies, various faiths, jewelry, books, food, skin products, clothes, meditation, life coaching, so many pamphlets... I can't remember everything. There was so much!
    Ross said...
    Good on you for going. I've been to a few new age festivals in my time. My purpose was to try and witness to people, and also to educate myself about new age spirituality first hand rather than just read about it. In doing this I tried to be respectful of other people and their beliefs, aiming to plant seeds rather than convert people on the spot. I usually found that with the right approach, people were generally open to Christianity, but only as one option among others.

    It's good that you took someone with you. As I've found out, as a Christian, it's unwise and unbiblical to go to these sorts of things alone. One year, against my better judgement, I went alone. I was talking to one of the stallholders, and tactfully worked my Christian beliefs into the conversation, but her line of questioning towards me was a little embarrassing.
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