Tuesday, May 27, 2008


One man's hurt, should be another man's problem.

I'll join in in the comments section.


  1. Luke said...
    I agree?

    I think I'll let others jump in with their opinions because I kinda thought this was a given.
    Anonymous said...
    Hmm well I geuss it depends in what sense you mean, like if one man is hurt and bleeding all over another man then it's his problem... but if you mean emotionally, apersons hurt is their own to deal with, and they can't be helped unless they want help, but it does affect those around them so I suppose in that sense. And if there is someone hurting on the otherside of the world is it our responsiblity to help them? I think so. I dont think you should look the other way when theres people who need help.
    Anonymous said...
    This annoys me. Its round the wrong way and is not gender inclusive. It should read "One man/women/transgendered individual's problem should be another man/women/transgendered individual's hurt. Except of course if that man/women/transgendered individual caused the hurt or the problem or became transgendered by choice, in which case, the man/women/transgendered individual should seek professional help because they are not normal.

    This of course does not apply in the case of gay people who want to be gay. If they don't want to be gay, then their problem is another man/women/individual's problem and they should choose either way, it doesn't bother me.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Um, what?
    This is not a topic about genders...

    I agree mostly with what Naomi said.

    I guess my thinking behind this topic is that I think it is vitally important for us to help each other. It's a sad society we live in (western society at large anyway) that says look after number 1. That does not seem to fit with anything I believe and have experienced.

    The times I do look out for just me, I am miserable and disconnected. The times when I look to the interests of others are the times when I feel most fulfilled and human.

    I get sad when people see the suffering of others and think it's not their problem. Why isn't it? Why should be care that others are hurting? Because it's not us? Because we can ignore it? I hope I never get like that. I always want to feel the pain of other and help if it is within my means.

    I agree Naomi, we can only help others if they'll accept our help, sure. I just mean that we ought to offer it if we can.
    Steve sculpts critters said...
    You referring to John or William?
    wire said...
    "It's a sad society we live in that says look after number 1"

    The thing is, is that if we don't look after number 1 then after a while number 1s becomes number 2s and at that point i suggest you get a colonoscopy.
    wire said...
    sorry, i had nothing serious to add.

    liquid poo

    Ludicrousity said...
    You're a nutter Wire!
    And Steve? Guh?
    Anonymous said...
    Sorry if you think it is not about genders, but i never said it was. It is about when people don't have a choice about being gay. You have to read between the lines but i think we all know what you are referring to.

    So, for what it is worth, i think if one man is hurt and he is gay, then that is another mans problem, (the one that hurt him)
    Ludicrousity said...
    "You have to read between the lines but i think we all know what you are referring to."

    Huh? What are you talking about? This topic had nothing to do with sexuality. You think this was a topic about me saying people shouldn't be gay? What?!

    This was a topic about how I think it's sad that people are so self absorbed (guilty myself here) that we ignore the suffering of others so we can continue to live in our little nice bubbles where we aren't challenged to see what's around us.

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