Monday, May 17, 2010


I'm announcing that pending any problems in the application process, I'll be moving to Tajikistan in about 3 months for at least a year to be a teacher!
Let me know if you have any questions and I'll try to answer them!

Here are some preview photos of where I'll be going.


  1. Lance said...
    Will you be able to take photos like those ones?
    Are you concerned about the security risks?
    Will you be anywhere near the borders with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan or Afghanistan?
    Why are you going?
    Are you into mountaineering?
    Is evangelism possible in Tajikistan? Would you be interested if there were opportunities?
    Do you have good thermals?
    Are you a good skier?
    Mutt said...
    How long are you going for?
    What is the capital of Tajikistan?
    What is Tajikistan's average rainfall?
    When was the last time you ever painted with your fingers?
    How many millilitres are there in a teaspoon?
    Can you use a semi-colon to connect two independent clauses?
    What happens when you microwave a watch?
    Why does pig's blood smell like victory?
    Can an elephant hang itself with its own trunk? And why would it want to?
    Luke said...
    What is the meaning of life?
    What is Inception about?
    Why does Kevin Costner keep getting work?
    Where is the ideal location for a summer home?
    Where is the ideal location for a home?
    What is a home?
    When are you going to answer our questions?
    Josh said...
    Why use a gong when a harp will suffice?
    What has it got in it's pocketses?
    Why doesn't my girlfriends come over to my house anymore?
    Why doesn't the Empire put shields on their TIE fighters?
    Why doesn't my wife respect me?
    What the hell does 'multilateral' mean, and why are so many countries meeting to discuss it?
    How many paths must a woman travel down until you call him a man?
    Just how many operations does this entail?
    Is Big Brother wise, perverse, brutishly domineering, or just really bad at addition?
    What is the reason for the discrepancy between US and International opinion polls on Obama's popularity?
    Gouda or camembert?
    I still don't understand how vacuum cleaners work.
    Mutt said...
    Actually, yeah - Ditto on the vacuum cleaners.

    Explain it for me too.
    Anonymous said...
    What do picket sign writers put on their signs when they go on strike?

    If a drug store is open 24 hours, why are there locks on the doors?

    If quizzes are quizzical then what are tests?

    If Practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, then why practice?

    If croutons are stale bread, why do they come in airtight packages?

    Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!

    If Americans throw rice at weddings, do the Chinese throw hamburgers?

    Where does the white go when the snow melts?

    Have ex-cowboys become deranged??

    Can you be a closet claustrophobic?

    Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" if afterwards it doesn't work anymore?

    Did Adam and Eve have navels?

    Why do they have handicap parking spaces in front of they skating rings?

    What happens if someone loses a lost and found box?

    How come u can kill a deer and put it on your wall but its a illegal to keep them as a pet?

    Is the answer to this question no?
    Ludicrousity said...
    You are all so annoying!

    Yes, I'll be able to take lots of photos.
    No security risks in Tajikistan thankfully. It's a safe country, and where I'll be is very safe.
    I'll be nearest the Kyrgyzstan boarder, but not on it.
    I'll be going to a place called Gharm.
    I'm not really into mountaineering, but I'm interested in exploring the region.
    Evangelism is possible, but certainly not encouraged or anything. It's a Muslim country, but they're very forgiving of foreigners and don't seem to apply the same standards on visitors as they do on nationals.
    I have some thermals, but will be getting others!
    I'm not a big skier, but I've done it a couple of times.

    1 year to begin with.
    Dushanbe is the capital of Tajikistan
    No idea
    Last year
    It depends on the teaspoon
    You can, I can't
    You create a Bond gadget
    Because you fought pigs as a child
    No, but you can hang an elephant with a trunk that doesn't belong to it, don't as me how I know that.

    One director's fall into insanity
    Because he sleeps around
    A pond in Bolivia
    4 letters
    I'm going to beat you up
    Whenever I damn well please you impatient jackass!

    Gong's are cheaper
    A NZ passport
    You have a girlfriend?
    Budget cuts
    Because she's imaginary
    It means the ability to multi a lateral. If you don't know what that means, I can't help you
    Just the one, to a transgender surgeon
    It depends how much of a woman you are
    Your are guilty of thoughtcrime and must be cured immediately
    You believe polls? There is your first problem
    Camembert. That is not a question
    Go into space. Vacuums make themselves understood there

    They get others to write the signs for them. THey're on strike you idiot
    To keep inquisitive people like you out
    Testicles. Yes, I wrote it
    Because nobody will beat the hell out of you if don't practice
    Because they are dried by the breath of elves and must be preserved
    Goofy is going to punch you for questioning him
    Yes, and they're very sensitive about it thank you
    It turns into brain waves and makes you do things. Unspeakable things...
    Go to your local psych ward and find out. Take a lasoo
    Yes, but you're always scared of yourself, just look for the guy who can't stop screaming
    Dogs aren't meant to procreate. That is being fixed. THey're broken in the first place.
    Navel oranges were their favourite
    Haven't you even seen a wheelchair on skis?
    It goes inside a bigger box
    You can keep a live one on your wall in 32 states
    Is the answer to this question a punch in the face?
    Mutt said...

    *crowd gives standing ovation*
    Ludicrousity said...
    dead_meat said...
    Oh, me too, me too!!!!

    Why do all the countries in the area end in "stan"? And who is he, anyway?
    Why do old men accentuate their lack of hair with bad comb-overs?
    Have you found out the average rainfall of Tajikistan yet?
    Have you thought of getting a satellite phone?
    If you had a satellite phone, would you try to call the pentagon?
    Why are elephants scared of mice?
    Can you speak any of the native tongue of Tajikistan?
    When you mention the Tajik people to strangers, do they say "god bless you" as if you had sneezed?
    If everything is supposed to be burning up with global warming, why was it so cold this morning?
    Why did they let Daryl Summers back onto television?
    Will you have internet in Tajikistan?

    Oh, and good luck with the planning!
    Ludicrousity said...
    I hate you...

    No idea
    He's like Chuck Norris' side kick, so don't try to find him.
    To stop their brains leaking through their head
    No, and I don't have to time because I'm answering pointless questions
    No, there is plenty of phone reception there (wow, a good question!)
    No, I'd get Stan to do it for me
    That's what they want you to think...
    No, but I hope to learn it
    All the time, but that's because I can't talk about them without sneezing
    To combat global warming there was lots of dry ice added to Melbourne this morning
    Because the channel 9 execs are stoned a lot of the time
    Yes, even at home! Basic broadband. Whoo!

    Mutt said...
    Actually, I've been wondering:

    How do dentists have their teeth checked? Surely they don't go to their competition?
    Ludicrousity said...
    They travel through time and perform dental services on themselves.
    Anonymous said...
    how about this one
    why are you so nice when all youre friends seem to be uncaring, shameless, (curious) free loaders??
    Ludicrousity said...
    Because they are my charity cases.
    Luke said...
    And we are forever grateful...

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