Monday, August 17, 2009

Everyone's To Blame

I may be a little late jumping on the internet bashing band wagon, but I find it's still a topic I feel passionate about.
Someone asked me what I thought about it the other night and I still fired up about this issue. So here I am, back on the blog, my little virtual soap box!

I'm talking about the Kyle & Jackie O 'radio stunt' that 'shocked a nation'.
Side note: I'm so sick of the terms 'radio stunt' and 'shock jock'. Let's just ban them now. And stunt is not a strong enough word for what they did.

Whose fault is it? It's everyone's.

The mum is a horrendously irresponsible parent who has obviously done her daughter immense damage over the years, and appears to be continuing to do so. Any parent who would know about a daughter's rape and then ask her about it on air shouldn't have kids. I feel so bad for that girl. She will need some serious help. I pray she gets it.

And Kyle & Jackie O? Who cares if they didn't know she was raped! They put a 14 year old girl on their live radio show and asked her about her sex life. What did they think was going to happen?! There is no scenario where that turns out well. The girl was always going to lose. They clearly care about their ratings more than that girl. They used and abused her for entertainment purposes. She did not want to be there and she is below the age of consent. They are pathetic, abusive and irresponsible public figures and I'm ashamed they are Australian 'personalities'.

And Austero management? They are to blame too. They gave the segment the go ahead and let it go to air. They are just as bad as Kyle & Jackie O. Speaking of Jackie O, why is she not coping the blame? Why is it being shifted over to Kyle? Now I'm no fan of Kyle's, but why is it just his fault? Why does he get all the headlines when his co-host is just as deplorable as he is?

As you can see I'm still angry about it. And for a good piece on the story by Media Watch, click on the link below.

Media Watch on Kyle & Jackie O


  1. Luke said...
    I've got nothing to add, I agree with you 100%.

    Oh my goodness... did I... did I just AGREE with you?!

    *starts projectile vomiting all over your laptop*
    Ludicrousity said...
    I'm always right.
    You just don't recognise it.
    *is arrogant*
    Litha said...
    Kyle is, arguably, the biggest knob in Australia. I can't believe they've let him back on the air (I'm not a huge Jackie O fan either). Good rant!
    Luke said...
    Yeah, the fact that guys like Kyle and Jackie O ever get on the air let alone continue to be on is literally dumbfounding to me.

    I actually can't make any sense of it.
    Marty from Tabor said...
    Agree! Good points
    Glen O'Brien said...
    Thanks Megan. It really is a broad cultural malaise of which Kyle and Jackie O are symptoms.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Exactly Glen.
    Troy Wheatley said...
    From what I heard Jackie O was more sympathetic when she had worked out what had happened than Kyle was - hence Kyle cops most of the blame (probably fair enough, Jackie O's major stuff-up was really her part in creating the conditions that allowed something like this to happen).

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