Sunday, March 02, 2008


Doesn't it just made you mad? The injustice in the world? The deliberate choices of people (after all, a company is just people making choices) that lead to death and poverty and misery? How can we live in a world where people can dismiss others as insignificant or just numbers? It really pisses me off! I just watched the film "The Constant Gardener", and while I know it's just a film, it's not too far from reality. Watch a film called "The girl in the cafe". Powerful stuff. We have the power to change things. Why does such multi-national tyranny still exist in a world where no one need go hungry, or lack basic medical care? Why are things still so shitty when they don't need to be? Why are we all so selfish?


  1. Anonymous said...
    because we are human beings who care about ourselves, get real girl
    Ludicrousity said...
    What do you mean get real?
    don't call me MA'AM said...
    I was going to say something to the effect of what anon said... but not so rudely.

    By nature, we're born sinful, selfish, proud, and uncaring. Some people are able to rise above it, some aren't. Unfortunately, it seems like there are a LOT of people who aren't able to rise above their own selfishness, and it's frustrating. As much as I don't WANT to be selfish, I am at times. I hope that by being charitable and hoping for good changes, I'm at least contributing to some good.
    Ludicrousity said...
    I get that it's reality, but the point is that it doesn't have to be. And in my opinion, that's no reason to say it's ok, just because that's how things are, doesn't mean it's ok. Shouldn't we fight to make things better because they so obviously aren't? Shouldn't that really piss us off? Or should we not care?
    don't call me MA'AM said...
    I agree with you completely... it's not ok. We should always be striving for better. ALWAYS. At the same time, we know there will be those who won't. I'm not ok with it, but I am realistic in knowing that, even though I can make a difference, I can't solve everything or everyone. We can continue to be follow what our role model gave us, knowing we'll never equal Him.

    Don't mistake my realistic outlook as complacency. I just know that without "bad" (or even "evil") in this world, there wouldn't be "good." But remember, the good guys win! :-)
    Ludicrousity said...
    Glad to hear it DCMM!
    However, it seemed that anon was saying exactly that.
    Anonymous said...
    You haven't been hanging around the Forge guys too much have you? I think their language is rubbing off on you!
    Ludicrousity said...
    They are only one of my influences, and would that be a bad thing? I think they are great! Plus I haven't used any of their 'language' in that post.
    Glen O'Brien said...
    I share ludicrousity's frustration with the world as it is and believe passionately that it can be and should be a better world. We need to be angry about and we need to work redemptively for change. However, I think don't call me ma'am is a little optimistic about human nature when she writes, "By nature, we're born sinful, selfish, proud, and uncaring. Some people are able to rise above it, some aren't." Actually, no we can't rise above it. None of us. That's why we need grace. I don't mean grace as forgiveness but grace as empowerment. We ourselves cannot simply choose to rise above our sinfulness (that would be Pelagianism) but God empowers us to overcome sin (both personal and systemic) by his grace. The world can be a different place but not through human activism alone. Only through God's empowering grace.
    Ludicrousity said...
    I agree Glen. Well said! That definitely rings true from my experience.

    However, I would ask about great human activists who are not in touch with God. What about Ghandi or people like him? What about those amazing self sacrificing people who do not believe in God and gain their strength though him? Is that prevenient grace or something else?
    Ross said...
    This question came up in Intro to Theology last year. If I remember rightly, you're describing God's prevenient grace at work.
    Glen O'Brien said...
    Yup, that's it - prevenient grace.

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