Saturday, February 09, 2008


Does anyone ever just feel like they need a change?
I do.
I'd love to hear what other people have done when they feel like that. How have you made a change in your life that affects your every day life so you feel like you've made a change of sorts? No matter how small it is, I'd love to hear what you've done.
I dyed my hair purple...


  1. Luke said...
    I've never really done anything extreme. I've tried to grow a beard a couple of times... to no avail.

    I still want a beard, dammit.
    mudbrick said...
    I've movede to the other side of the world, joined a sporting team, done an internship, married my wife and enjoyed a few great beers, does that count? Maybe, to a lesser extent, being busy is great; you don't have time to be bored and feel like you need a change. Then again, if you want a change BECAUSE you're busy, maybe take some time off, you see how it works?
    Litha said...
    I've sign up for a triathlon that is way beyond my physical capabilities. I've been exercising so much, because I'm not very fit, but I'm forced to, it's awesome. Even though I suspect I'm going to fail this one dismally, I am already thinking about what to sign up for next. Have you made any other changes that are not hair colour based Meagan?
    Ludicrousity said...
    I haven't made any non hair related changes yet. I'm planning on travelling half way through the year, but it seems so far off.
    I'm going to start doing pilates again if that counts...
    Zebe said...
    i decided i needed a change.
    so i decided i was going to be happy,
    instead of spending every day feeling miserable and depressed.

    best change i ever made.

    [and while i was in the process of changing from being depressed to happy, i found that dying my hair helped. it was kind of like "new hair = new me". and the new me is better than the old me ever was.]
    Glen O'Brien said...
    I don't get a tattoo :)

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