Thursday, August 09, 2007


Today was a bad day.
This morning about a quarter of our company was made redundant on the spot. I still have my job, but some of my friends lost their jobs. It was weird and sad and disappointing and baffling and angering all at once. They weren't even given notice. They all lost their jobs right there and then. No handovers, nothing. They were locked out of their computers, door passes were frozen, everything stopped right there and then. It's a strange thing. They turned up to work thinking they had a secure job, and 2 hours later, they are unemployed. I feel so bad for my friends who lost their jobs. A lot of people have their identity caught up in their jobs and when that gets taken away it's devistating.
Our company was in financial trouble so they had to cut staff. It's a sad thing that people have to fall second to the almighty dollar. Sometimes I hate capitalism.


  1. Anonymous said...
    whoa. thats full on.
    Anonymous said...
    welcome to the real world. it's great to see government's policys are working so well and workers are protected.
    Glen O'Brien said...
    So were thes peopekl victims of the Workchoice legislation?
    Anonymous said...
    whether victims of workchoice or something else they are still victims. i've lost 2 jobs with no real reason given. i find this government and some companies as bullies towards workers,
    some good news,i got a part time job starting tomorrow so it will be nice to eat again.
    Ludicrousity said...
    Yay! That's exciting news!

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